Análise do delito de insider trading no Brasil
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Gonçalves, Aruda Bucar Lopes Ribeiro
Abade, Denise Neves
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O presente trabalho visa analisar o artigo 27-D da Lei nº 6.385 de 1976, introduzido pela Lei n° 13.506 de 2017 e sua aplicação no Brasil. O referido artigo preconiza o tipo penal de insider trading, isto é, o uso de informações privilegiadas para auferir lucros indevidos no mercado de capitais. Visa-se descobrir os motivos pelos quais a eficácia do mencionado artigo ainda é reduzida no país, ao mesmo tempo em que o Direito Penal nacional é extremamente punitivista. O estudo baseia-se em pesquisas bibliográficas, análise histórica e análise da legislação vigente no Brasil a respeito do tema. Será utilizado um método hipotético-dedutivo, partindo-se de conceitos amplos e atingindo, por meio da análise de um caso prático, uma conclusão final. O estudo demonstra as impropriedades do texto normativo que tipifica o insider trading, bem como as dificuldades impostas à sua aplicação por fatores externos ao Direito. Conclui-se a necessidade de uma reforma normativa, visando aproximar o Brasil do resto do mundo no âmbito do combate ao insider trading e outras práticas fraudulentas.
This study seeks to analyse article 27-D from the Law number 6.385 of 1976, introduced by the Law number 13.506 from 2017, and its application in Brazil. The mentioned article typifies the insider trading delict, that being, the use of privileged information to obtains undeserved profits in the capital markets. We seek to discover the reasons for why the mentioned article has such a low efficacy in the country, at the same time as the national Criminal Law is extremely punitivist. The study bases itself in bibliographic researches, historical analysis and an analysis of the current legislation in force in Brazil, in relation to the theme. We will use a deductive-hypothetical method, beginning from ample concepts and reaching, through the analysis of a practical case, a final conclusion. The study demonstrates the improprieties behind the insider trading legal text, as well as the difficulties imposed on its application by factors that are beyond Law. We conclude the need for a legal reform, seeking to make Brazil close to the rest of the world in regards to combating insider trading and other fraudulent practices.
This study seeks to analyse article 27-D from the Law number 6.385 of 1976, introduced by the Law number 13.506 from 2017, and its application in Brazil. The mentioned article typifies the insider trading delict, that being, the use of privileged information to obtains undeserved profits in the capital markets. We seek to discover the reasons for why the mentioned article has such a low efficacy in the country, at the same time as the national Criminal Law is extremely punitivist. The study bases itself in bibliographic researches, historical analysis and an analysis of the current legislation in force in Brazil, in relation to the theme. We will use a deductive-hypothetical method, beginning from ample concepts and reaching, through the analysis of a practical case, a final conclusion. The study demonstrates the improprieties behind the insider trading legal text, as well as the difficulties imposed on its application by factors that are beyond Law. We conclude the need for a legal reform, seeking to make Brazil close to the rest of the world in regards to combating insider trading and other fraudulent practices.
direito penal econômico , insider trading , informação privilegiada , lei nº 6.385 , economic criminal law , privileged information , law number 6.385 , law number 13.506