Manipulação genética: uma análise sobre desdobramentos penais
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Campolina, Ana Cristina de Souza
Rocha, Renata da
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A permissibilidade para os procedimentos de terapia gênica stricto sensu de caráter não terapêutico aplicado em células germinativas levanta questões éticas e jurídicas sobre as tendências sociais, o impacto de escolhas individuais e a existência de condutas recriminadas pelo ordenamento jurídico, aqui, em destaque, no Direito Penal.
Este Artigo, de início, buscará entender o que é são as medicinas da engenharia gênica stricto sensu e lato sensu para, em seguida, entender em qual circunstância ela entra em contato traços intolerantes da sociedade. Em seguida, com a análise de eventos relevantes, também será de interesse encontrar os pontos onde a intolerância consegue interferir na medicina e, por consequência, ferir princípios do Biodireito, do Código de Ética da Medicina e da Constituição Federal. Logo, levando em consideração todo o desenrolar anterior, será possível entender o que precede a legislação especial reguladora da matéria, Lei de Biossegurança, atual nº 11.105/2005, que estabelece hipóteses de sanções e de condutas típicas da prática.
Chamado ao mote, o Direito Penal será objeto de análise pormenorizada, não só nas hipóteses ao qual se aplica, mas também em seus fundamentos, esfera crucial para entender em qual finalidade os tipos penais se debruçam.
Dessa forma, o Texto, perpassando os conceitos biológicos, da história e do Direito, estabelecerá a relação entre novos movimentos eugenistas e a medicina capaz de revolucionar o que entendemos por espécie humana, reconhecendo, por fim, a atuação em ultima ratio do âmbito criminal.
The permissibility of preimplantation genetics stricto sensu in non-therapeutic nature applied to germinative cells raises ethical and legal questions about social trends, the impact of individual choices, and the existence of conducts condemned by the legal system, here, in particular, in Criminal Law. This article, at first, will seek to understand which are the medicines of genetic engineering stricto sensu and lato sensu, and then to understand under what circumstances it comes into contact with intolerant traits of society. Next, with the analysis of relevant events, it will also be of interest to find the points where intolerance can interfere in medicine and, consequently, violate the principles of Biolaw, Medical Ethics, and the Federal Constitution. Therefore, taking into account all the previous developments, it will be possible to understand what precedes the special legislation regulating the matter, Biosafety Law, current nº 11.105/2005, which establishes hypotheses of sanctions and typical conduct of the practice. Called to the matter, Criminal Law will be the object of detailed analysis, not only in the cases to which it applies but also in its foundations, a crucial sphere to understand the purpose of criminal types. In this way, the text, passing through biological concepts, history, and law, will establish the relationship between new eugenicist movements and medicine capable of revolutionizing what we understand by the human species, recognizing, finally, the reasons in ultima ratio of the criminal scope.
The permissibility of preimplantation genetics stricto sensu in non-therapeutic nature applied to germinative cells raises ethical and legal questions about social trends, the impact of individual choices, and the existence of conducts condemned by the legal system, here, in particular, in Criminal Law. This article, at first, will seek to understand which are the medicines of genetic engineering stricto sensu and lato sensu, and then to understand under what circumstances it comes into contact with intolerant traits of society. Next, with the analysis of relevant events, it will also be of interest to find the points where intolerance can interfere in medicine and, consequently, violate the principles of Biolaw, Medical Ethics, and the Federal Constitution. Therefore, taking into account all the previous developments, it will be possible to understand what precedes the special legislation regulating the matter, Biosafety Law, current nº 11.105/2005, which establishes hypotheses of sanctions and typical conduct of the practice. Called to the matter, Criminal Law will be the object of detailed analysis, not only in the cases to which it applies but also in its foundations, a crucial sphere to understand the purpose of criminal types. In this way, the text, passing through biological concepts, history, and law, will establish the relationship between new eugenicist movements and medicine capable of revolutionizing what we understand by the human species, recognizing, finally, the reasons in ultima ratio of the criminal scope.
biodireito , engenharia genética humana , direito penal , biolaw , human genetic , engineering criminal law