5G e 6G - contribuições para a evolução de projetos IoT
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Oliveira, Aguilon Souza de
Cruz, Felipe Carvalho
Mendonça, Fernanda da Silva
Cruz, Felipe Carvalho
Mendonça, Fernanda da Silva
Cunha, Daniela Vieira
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Este estudo busca entender como o 5G e 6G pode contribuir na
evolução de projetos IoT. Assim, realizou-se a simulação de dois cenários
através do software Network Simulator 2 (NS2), foi feita uma comparação entre
as tecnologias 5G e 6G utilizando como métricas a perda de pacotes, vazão de
dados e latência. A combinação dos resultados destas medições permite medir
a diferença de velocidade e a capacidade de entrega de pacotes de dados entre
as novas gerações de rede. Conclui-se que o 5G e o 6G apresentam
desempenhos surpreendentes, porém, de acordo com os testes realizados, 6G
possui menores quantidades de perdas de dados, latências inferiores e uma
maior quantidade de dados enviados no mesmo período.
This study seeks to understand how 5G and 6G can contribute to the evolution of IoT projects. Thus, two scenarios were simulated using the Network Simulator 2 (NS2) software, a comparison was made between 5G and 6G technologies using packet loss, data throughput and latency as metrics. The combination of the results of these measurements makes it possible to measure the difference in speed and the delivery capacity of data packets between the new generations of the network. It is concluded that 5G and 6G present surprising performances, however, according to the tests carried out, 6G has lower amounts of data losses, lower latencies and a greater amount of data sent in the same period.
This study seeks to understand how 5G and 6G can contribute to the evolution of IoT projects. Thus, two scenarios were simulated using the Network Simulator 2 (NS2) software, a comparison was made between 5G and 6G technologies using packet loss, data throughput and latency as metrics. The combination of the results of these measurements makes it possible to measure the difference in speed and the delivery capacity of data packets between the new generations of the network. It is concluded that 5G and 6G present surprising performances, however, according to the tests carried out, 6G has lower amounts of data losses, lower latencies and a greater amount of data sent in the same period.
5G , 6G , IoT , simulators , NS2 , 5G , 6G , IoT , simuladores , NS2