Reflexos do uso de bodycams pela Polícia Militar de São Paulo na persecução penal
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Faccin, Mariana Boa Sorte
Fabretti, Humberto Barrionuevo
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O presente trabalho busca analisar quais os reflexos da utilização de bodycams pela
Polícia Militar na persecução penal. Para tanto, valendo-se do método de revisão bibliográfica,
fez-se uma análise quanto a evolução de seu uso como ferramenta de transparência e de
responsabilidade da atuação policial, passando por uma análise do atual funcionamento do
sistema no estado de São Paulo e chegando até a forma que o material produzido pelo
equipamento é classificado e utilizado dentro da persecução penal. A captação de imagens e
sons durante o policiamento ostensivo viabiliza a documentação de ações controversas, tais
como abordagens e prisões, fornecendo material probatório crucial para a investigação de
delitos e abusos de autoridade. No entanto, o estudo também destaca alguns desafios
relacionados ao emprego de bodycams, como a regulamentação da guarda e do acesso às
imagens, bem como os custos de implementação e manutenção da tecnologia. Em suma, o
presente trabalho demonstra que a utilização de câmeras corporais pela Polícia Militar do
Estado de São Paulo apresenta um potencial significativo para o aprimoramento da persecução
penal, mas exige um planejamento criterioso e uma abordagem crítica para a superação dos
desafios existentes.
This article seeks to analyze the consequences of the use of bodycams by the Military Police in criminal prosecution. To this end, using the bibliographic review method, an analysis was made regarding the evolution of its use as a tool for transparency and responsibility in police action, going through an analysis of the current functioning of the system in the state of São Paulo and arriving at up to the way in which the material produced by the equipment is classified and used within criminal prosecution. The capture of images and sounds during overt policing makes it possible to document controversial actions, such as stops and arrests, providing crucial evidentiary material for the investigation of crimes and abuses of authority. However, the study also highlights some challenges related to the use of bodycams, such as the regulation of custody and access to images, as well as the costs of implementing and maintaining the technology. In short, the present work demonstrates that the use of body cameras by the Military Police of the State of São Paulo has significant potential for improving criminal prosecution, but requires careful planning and a critical approach to overcoming existing challenges.
This article seeks to analyze the consequences of the use of bodycams by the Military Police in criminal prosecution. To this end, using the bibliographic review method, an analysis was made regarding the evolution of its use as a tool for transparency and responsibility in police action, going through an analysis of the current functioning of the system in the state of São Paulo and arriving at up to the way in which the material produced by the equipment is classified and used within criminal prosecution. The capture of images and sounds during overt policing makes it possible to document controversial actions, such as stops and arrests, providing crucial evidentiary material for the investigation of crimes and abuses of authority. However, the study also highlights some challenges related to the use of bodycams, such as the regulation of custody and access to images, as well as the costs of implementing and maintaining the technology. In short, the present work demonstrates that the use of body cameras by the Military Police of the State of São Paulo has significant potential for improving criminal prosecution, but requires careful planning and a critical approach to overcoming existing challenges.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
câmeras corporais , Polícia Militar , transparência , persecução penal. , body-worn câmeras , Military Police , transparency , criminal prosecution