Implementação do pagamento instantâneo no mercado brasileiro de seguros intermediado por uma empresa de adquirência

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Costa, Fernando Igor Ferreira
Cappellozza, Alexandre
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Membros da banca
Caldeira, Adilson
Kuniyoshi, Márcio Shoiti
Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios
Subject: This study aims to present the use of implementation opportunity of instant payment by an acquiring company to the disbursement of insurance funds to policyholders, in order to allow the benefits of speed of delivery of values, transaction security, unlimited availability and convenience, since there is a need for accelerated receipt of values by the insured due a refund, compensation or cancellation. Application: the availability of instant payment will allow transfers and purchase of product and service through cash withdrawal and transfer transactions within ten seconds, 24 hours, seven days a week, without the restrictions of current methods, which should benefit the cardholder and merchant experience. Innovation can accelerate the shift from cash to electronic transactions, generate business opportunities and increase the competitiveness of the means of payment industry. Innovation: instant payment technology provided by the company acquiring allows different usage models, such as the transfer of individual values to person - P2P from person to a commercial establishment - P2M or as disbursement of corporate funds to users, this is the use case studied. Impact: the initiative contributes to the positioning of insurers among the most agile in serving policyholders. The solution reduces the time for the policyholder to receive claims from five working days to 30 minutes and reduces transaction costs by approximately six percent compared to a cash credit transaction. The instant payment is bonded to more than 34 refundable coverage of travel insurance and other lines of business, and converges with the strategy of insurers to promote electronic channels on users. For the acquirer, it contributes to the financial result, as it is an incremental result, in addition to creating additional value and differing the commercial proposition for customers. Complexity: this is a new solution in the payment and insurance sectors, which required the search for knowledge outside organizations. It required the mobilization of a multidisciplinary group for the project in order to meet the reduced delivery time and the time required by the insurance market. Another offender was the coronavirus pandemic in the travel industry, which was the focus sector defined by the insurer in the initial instant payment offer. Applied Methodology: the Design Science Research method was adopted under the problem-solving model proposed by Van Aken, Berends and Van der Bij (2012), detailed in Marcondes, Miguel, Franklin and Perez (2017), based on the steps: Understanding the Opportunity, Diagnosis and Analysis, Solution, Intervention and Evaluation.
meios de pagamento , pagamento instantâneo , PIX , adquirente , seguradora
Assuntos Scopus
COSTA, Fernando Igor Ferreira. Implementação do pagamento instantâneo no mercado brasileiro de seguros intermediado por uma empresa de adquirência. 2021. 62 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.