Responsabilidade civil e inteligência artificial: veículos autônomos
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Alvares, Sandra Souza
Neves Junior, Paulo Cézar
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A evolução tecnológica tem permitido a criação de novos produtos e serviços que transformam a vida humana, aprimorando o cotidiano e aumentando a eficiência dos processos produtivos. Nesse contexto, a inteligência artificial surge como uma das principais inovações tecnológicas dos últimos anos, permitindo o desenvolvimento de sistemas que simulam a capacidade humana de aprender, raciocinar e tomar decisões.
Entre os exemplos mais destacados da aplicação da inteligência artificial estão os veículos autônomos, que se utilizam do campo de estudo do machine learning para controlar os seus movimentos e evitar acidentes. Embora promissores, esses veículos apresentam uma série de desafios do ponto de vista da responsabilidade civil, uma vez que os acidentes envolvendo esses veículos podem gerar danos significativos aos seus usuários e a terceiros.
Nesse sentido, a presente monografia tem como objetivo analisar a responsabilidade civil em acidentes envolvendo veículos autônomos, buscando compreender a evolução desse conceito, os elementos que o compõem e a forma como ela deve ser aplicada nos casos de danos em que os veículos autônomos estejam envolvidos.
Technological evolution has allowed the creation of new products and services that transform human life, improving everyday life and increasing the efficiency of production processes. In this context, artificial intelligence emerges as one of the main technological innovations in recent years, allowing the development of systems that simulate the human capacity to learn, reason and make decisions. Among the most outstanding examples of the application of artificial intelligence are autonomous vehicles, which use machine learning algorithms to control their movements and avoid accidents. Although promising, these vehicles present a series of challenges from the point of view of civil liability, since accidents involving these vehicles can cause significant damage to their users and third parties. In this sense, this monograph aims to analyze civil liability in accidents involving autonomous vehicles, seeking to understand the evolution of this concept, the elements that compose it and how it should be applied in cases where autonomous vehicles are involved.
Technological evolution has allowed the creation of new products and services that transform human life, improving everyday life and increasing the efficiency of production processes. In this context, artificial intelligence emerges as one of the main technological innovations in recent years, allowing the development of systems that simulate the human capacity to learn, reason and make decisions. Among the most outstanding examples of the application of artificial intelligence are autonomous vehicles, which use machine learning algorithms to control their movements and avoid accidents. Although promising, these vehicles present a series of challenges from the point of view of civil liability, since accidents involving these vehicles can cause significant damage to their users and third parties. In this sense, this monograph aims to analyze civil liability in accidents involving autonomous vehicles, seeking to understand the evolution of this concept, the elements that compose it and how it should be applied in cases where autonomous vehicles are involved.
carros autônomos , teoria do risco , responsabilidade civil , danos , autonomous cars , risk theory , civil responsability , damage