As mudanças da execução da pena após a aplicação da lei 13.964/2019 (pacote anticrime)
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Santana, João Pedro Jordy
Fabretti, Humberto Barrionuevo
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O presente trabalhar se destina a enumerar e detalhar as mudanças ocorridas na Execução da
Pena depois vigência da Lei 13.964/19, o pacote anticrime, que foi apresentado pelo então
Ministro da Justiça, Sérgio Moro, com o objetivo de reformular parte do sistema jurídico penal.
Ademais, visa apresentar as principais mudanças na Lei de Execução Penal e no Código penal
que influenciam na execução criminal. As modificações são quanto a colheita de dados
genéticos, as faltas graves, o Regime Disciplinar Diferenciado (RDD), progressão de regime e
saída temporária. Enquanto os aspectos penais que podem influenciar na Execução Penal são o
livramento condicional, a execução da pena pecuniária e o limite de cumprimento de pena. É
fundamental a reflexão acadêmica e dos juristas acerca do tema que é de suma importância para
o cotidiano das pessoas e, principalmente, dos indivíduos encarcerados. Já que eles não têm
assistência, vivem de forma insalubre e são esquecidos pelo poder público.
This article is intended to list and detail the changes that occurred in the Criminal Execution after Law 13.964 / 19, the anti-crime package, which was presented by the then Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, with the aim of reformulating part of the criminal legal system . In addition, to present the main changes in the Penal Execution Law and in the Penal Code that influence the criminal execution courts. The changes are related to the collection of genetic data, serious faults, the Differentiated Disciplinary Regime (RDD), progression of regime and temporary exit. While the criminal aspects that can influence in the Criminal Execution are the conditional release, the execution of the pecuniary penalty and the limit of serving the sentence. It is essential to have an academic and legal reflection on the topic that is important for the daily lives of people and, especially, of incarcerated individuals. Since they have no assistance, they live unhealthily and are forgotten by the public authorities.
This article is intended to list and detail the changes that occurred in the Criminal Execution after Law 13.964 / 19, the anti-crime package, which was presented by the then Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, with the aim of reformulating part of the criminal legal system . In addition, to present the main changes in the Penal Execution Law and in the Penal Code that influence the criminal execution courts. The changes are related to the collection of genetic data, serious faults, the Differentiated Disciplinary Regime (RDD), progression of regime and temporary exit. While the criminal aspects that can influence in the Criminal Execution are the conditional release, the execution of the pecuniary penalty and the limit of serving the sentence. It is essential to have an academic and legal reflection on the topic that is important for the daily lives of people and, especially, of incarcerated individuals. Since they have no assistance, they live unhealthily and are forgotten by the public authorities.
lei anticrime , código penal , lei de execução penal , anticrime law , criminal code , criminal execution law