O racismo enquanto elemento que marca o destino dos refugiados: uma análise do caso Brasil
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Costa, Ana Carolina da Silva
Pereira, Flávio de Leão Bastos
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No trabalho proposto, analisa-se a imigração de estrangeiros ao Brasil nas últimas
décadas, com um olhar específico ao imigrante negro. O Brasil, como destino de muitos
refugiados em busca de proteção e oportunidades, enfrenta desafios significativos no que diz
respeito à integração e proteção desses indivíduos, especialmente aqueles que são vítimas de
racismo. Neste contexto, torna-se crucial examinar o papel do racismo como um elemento
determinante que influencia o destino e as experiências dos refugiados no país. Este estudo
busca, portanto, compreender como as políticas, leis e práticas estatais contribuem para a
vulnerabilidade dos refugiados negros no Brasil. Para o presente trabalho está se realizando
uma pesquisa bibliográfica de caráter descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, cujo método foi
o analítico-normativo, com a análise de artigos científicos e doutrinas. A partir disso,
investigaremos a incidência de crimes de ódio contra imigrantes negros no país, destacando a
urgência de abordar essa questão e promover medidas eficazes de proteção e prevenção. Por
meio de uma revisão crítica da literatura existente, análise de dados e estudo de casos,
pretendemos identificar os mecanismos na legislação, na sociedade e nas políticas públicas.
Ao fornecer uma análise abrangente e fundamentada sobre o tema, este estudo visa contribuir
para o avanço do conhecimento acadêmico sobre as questões de imigração, racismo e direitos
In the proposed study, the immigration of foreigners to Brazil in recent decades is analyzed, with a specific focus on the black immigrant. Brazil, as a destination for many refugees seeking protection and opportunities, faces significant challenges regarding the integration and protection of these individuals, especially those who are victims of racism. In this context, it becomes crucial to examine the role of racism as a determining factor that influences the destiny and experiences of refugees in the country. This study, therefore, seeks to understand how state policies, laws, and practices contribute to the vulnerability of black refugees in Brazil. For this work, a descriptive bibliographic research with a qualitative approach is being conducted, using the analytical-normative method, with the analysis of scientific articles and doctrines. Based on this, we will investigate the incidence of hate crimes against black immigrants in the country, highlighting the urgency of addressing this issue and promoting effective protection and prevention measures. Through a critical review of existing literature, data analysis, and case studies, we aim to identify mechanisms in legislation, society, and public policies. By providing a comprehensive and well-founded analysis of the topic, this study aims to contribute to the advancement of academic knowledge on issues of immigration, racism, and human rights
In the proposed study, the immigration of foreigners to Brazil in recent decades is analyzed, with a specific focus on the black immigrant. Brazil, as a destination for many refugees seeking protection and opportunities, faces significant challenges regarding the integration and protection of these individuals, especially those who are victims of racism. In this context, it becomes crucial to examine the role of racism as a determining factor that influences the destiny and experiences of refugees in the country. This study, therefore, seeks to understand how state policies, laws, and practices contribute to the vulnerability of black refugees in Brazil. For this work, a descriptive bibliographic research with a qualitative approach is being conducted, using the analytical-normative method, with the analysis of scientific articles and doctrines. Based on this, we will investigate the incidence of hate crimes against black immigrants in the country, highlighting the urgency of addressing this issue and promoting effective protection and prevention measures. Through a critical review of existing literature, data analysis, and case studies, we aim to identify mechanisms in legislation, society, and public policies. By providing a comprehensive and well-founded analysis of the topic, this study aims to contribute to the advancement of academic knowledge on issues of immigration, racism, and human rights
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
imigração , racismo , políticas públicas , xenofobia , immigration , racism , public policies , xenophobia