O uso de NFT pelo mercado da moda de luxo como forma de proteção da propriedade intelectual no metaverso
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Russo, Daniela Monteiro
Marinho, Maria Edelvacy Pinto
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A indústria da moda é uma das mais relevantes do mundo, sendo uma das principais fomentadoras do consumo na sociedade. Cotidianamente, enfrenta grandes desafios que a atinge diretamente. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar duas destas provocações, quais sejam, a onda de comércio de produtos pirateados e falsificados, que atingem principalmente grandes marcas de luxo que veem, diariamente, suas mercadorias sendo reproduzidas de forma não autorizada e ilegalmente e vendidas em diversos pontos de comércio, não só no Brasil, mas no mundo todo, além das inovações tecnológicas voltadas ao metaverso, que criaram uma nova forma de consumir, obrigando-a a se reinventar para que permaneça relevante. Desta forma, propõe demonstrar como esta tem se comportado diante da realidade virtual e como a tecnologia do NFT, ou do token não fungível, pode ser uma opção para que consiga proteger seus artistas, marcas e produtos de sofrerem com a contrafação neste ambiente por meio da exclusividade, impactando diretamente na garantia da propriedade intelectual.
The fashion industry is one of the most relevant in the world, being one of the main promoters of consumption in society. On a daily basis, it faces great challenges that directly affect it. This paper aims to analyze two of these provocations, namely, the wave of trade in pirated and counterfeit products, which mainly affect major luxury brands that see, daily, their goods being reproduced in an unauthorized and illegally and sold at various points of trade, not only in Brazil but worldwide, and the technological innovations aimed at the metaverse, which created a new way of consuming, forcing it to reinvent itself to remain relevant. Thus, it proposes to demonstrate how it has behaved in the face of virtual reality and how the NFT technology, or the non-fungible token, can be an option for it to protect its artists, brands and products from suffering from counterfeiting in this environment through exclusivity, directly impacting the guarantee of intellectual property.
The fashion industry is one of the most relevant in the world, being one of the main promoters of consumption in society. On a daily basis, it faces great challenges that directly affect it. This paper aims to analyze two of these provocations, namely, the wave of trade in pirated and counterfeit products, which mainly affect major luxury brands that see, daily, their goods being reproduced in an unauthorized and illegally and sold at various points of trade, not only in Brazil but worldwide, and the technological innovations aimed at the metaverse, which created a new way of consuming, forcing it to reinvent itself to remain relevant. Thus, it proposes to demonstrate how it has behaved in the face of virtual reality and how the NFT technology, or the non-fungible token, can be an option for it to protect its artists, brands and products from suffering from counterfeiting in this environment through exclusivity, directly impacting the guarantee of intellectual property.
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indústria da moda , pirataria , propriedade intelectual , fashion industry , piracy , intellectual property