As constribuições de José de Alencar para a regulamentação do mercado editorial no Brasil do século XIX
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Rodrigues, Luisa Andrade Costa e Silva
Vellozo, Júlio César de Oliveira
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Esta monografia tem por finalidade a análise do início da Regulamentação da atividade literária
brasileira por meio das contribuições apresentadas por José de Alencar, como jurista, civilista,
romancista e político brasileiro. Para este fim, faz-se necessário apresentar aspectos históricos para
contextualizar o meio no qual o Romancista encontrava-se inserido, de modo a estruturar suas
ideias e intenções regulatórias para com o Direito do Autor, bem como demonstrar a maneira pela
qual o mercado editorial brasileiro convencionava-se. Dessa forma, será elucidará a partir da
verificação dos contratos firmados com editores e romancistas no século XIX, bem como pelo
exame do Projeto de Lei de autoria de José de Alencar, em conjunto do documento intitulado
“Fundamentos do Projeto”, o qual fora apresentado em conjunto ao seu Projeto para análise da
Assembleia Geral em 7 de julho de 1875.
This monograph aims to analyze the beginning of the literary activity regulation in Brazil through the contributions presented by José Martiniano de Alencar, as a jurist, novelist, and Brazilian politician. For this purpose, it is necessary to present historical aspects to contextualize the environment in which Alencar was inserted, in order to structure his ideas and regulatory intentions with the Copyright, as well as to demonstrate the way in which the Brazilian publishing market was conventional. For this, this work will examine the contracts signed with editors and novelists in the nineteenth century, the Bill authored by José de Alencar, and the document entitled “Fundamentals of the Project”, which had been presented together with the Bill for the General Assembly’s consideration on July 7, 1875.
This monograph aims to analyze the beginning of the literary activity regulation in Brazil through the contributions presented by José Martiniano de Alencar, as a jurist, novelist, and Brazilian politician. For this purpose, it is necessary to present historical aspects to contextualize the environment in which Alencar was inserted, in order to structure his ideas and regulatory intentions with the Copyright, as well as to demonstrate the way in which the Brazilian publishing market was conventional. For this, this work will examine the contracts signed with editors and novelists in the nineteenth century, the Bill authored by José de Alencar, and the document entitled “Fundamentals of the Project”, which had been presented together with the Bill for the General Assembly’s consideration on July 7, 1875.
romancista , civilista , novelist , politician