A localização de APLS como condicionante do desenvolvimento sustentável na cidade Satélite de Cumbica

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Requena, Wendie Aparecida Piccinini
Bruna, Gilda Collet
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Jorge, Paula Raquel da Rocha
Monetti, Eliane
Taralli, Cibele Haddad
Castro, Luiz Guilherme Rivera de
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
There are diverse hypotheses for the existence of Local Productive Arrangement – LPA. In this thesis, the APLs are understood as a kind of cluster composed by small and median enterprises grouped around a determined segment, interacting through the relationships, being formal or informal, these enterprises and other public institutions or private ones involved. The APLs normally are observed as triggering factors of social and economic phenomena, thus generating jobs; in this sense one start by the hypothesis that are instruments of integration and sustainable development, in terms socio environmental and economic; they favor the implementation of attitudes, both in relation to the environment as well as the better conditions of life. The finding of these characteristics will be discussed from sustainable development indicators and their relationship with land transformation by the productive agglomerations; to serve as a paradigm through the case of the allotment of the Satellite City of Cumbica (1946). Cumbica is at the district of Cumbica, at Guarulhos, SP. Its relation with the aspects of environmental degradation and of demographic growth in this region is through the industries of the mechanical engineering sector, which count on a common services complementation. Nevertheless, it lacks formal articulation, that is, they are not always present for synergy, nor they receive governmental articulation from non-governmental institutions with interference of firms’ productive capacity, making difficult actions for local development, the relevant production structures of mutual cooperation.
arranjos produtivos locais , desenvolvimento sustentável , meio ambiente
Assuntos Scopus
REQUENA, Wendie Aparecida Piccinini. A localização de APLS como condicionante do desenvolvimento sustentável na cidade Satélite de Cumbica. 2016. 149 f. Tese( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .