Análise da ciência inequívoca das lesões para fins de prescrição da reparação civil no âmbito das relações de trabalho
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Miragaia, Raquel Colacioppo
Cavalcante, Jouberto de Quadros Pessoa
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Atualmente, na Justiça do Trabalho, é impossível verificar uma uniformidade nas
decisões que tratam de reparação de dano decorrente de acidente de trabalho e doença
ocupacional, no que se refere ao instituto da prescrição. Cada vez mais, a jurisprudência está
caminhando no sentido da imprescritibidade da ação de reparação de danos de tal natureza.
Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem por escopo abrir ao leitor uma discussão acerca do
momento em que se dá a ciência inequívoca da extensão da lesão. Para tanto, apresenta alguns
conceitos elementares, como acidente de trabalho e prescrição, além de trazer à luz alguns dados
estatísticos governamentais com respeito ao número de acidentados no Brasil. Neste aspecto,
verificou-se que a situação brasileira é alarmante, o que implica em grande número de ações
indenizatórias ajuizadas para reparação dos danos ocasionados. Devido a isso, a presente
pesquisa buscou analisar recentes sentenças proferidas no âmbito trabalhista para constatar qual
momento é considerado pelos juízes para aplicação da prescrição, tendo em vista a ciência
inequívoca da extensão da lesão. Assim, com este estudo, concluiu-se que, na maioria dos casos,
o dano só poderá ser evidenciado após determinação de perícia pelo próprio juiz, momento em
que o magistrado considera que o acidentado tem conhecimento dos exatos prejuízos
decorrentes do dano. Entretanto, tal decisão ignora por completo o instituto da prescrição,
fazendo com que as empresas sejam condenadas décadas após o acidente. Como sugestão para
solucionar a questão, este estudo apresenta alternativas para diminuir a insegurança jurídica e
trazer uniformidade às decisões. Este trabalho baseou-se na leitura de legislação, doutrinas,
dados estatísticos governamentais, além da análise de jurisprudência brasileira.
Currently, in the Labor Courts, it is impossible to verify a uniformity in the decisions that deal with damage reparation as a result from an accident at work and occupational disease, with regard to the prescription institute. Increasingly, the jurisprudence is moving towards the imprescriptibility of the action to repair damages of this nature. In this context, the present study aims to open to the reader a discussion about the application of unequivocal science when resulting from an injury. For that, it presents some elementary concepts, such as work accident and prescription, in addiction to bringing to light some government statistical data regarding the number of accident victims in Brazil. In this regard, it was found that the Brazilian situation is alarming, which implies a large number of indemnity actions filed for the list of damages caused. Because of this, to analyze recent sentences handed down in the labor field to verify which moment is considered by the judges to apply the prescription, in view of the unequivocal science of the extent of the injury. Thus, it was concluded that, in most cases, the damage can only be evidenced after an expert's determination by the judge himself, when the magistrate considers that the victim is aware of the exact damages resulting from the damage. However, such a decision completely ignores the statute of limitations, causing companies to be condemned decades after the accident. As a suggestion to resolve the issue, this study presents alternatives to reduce legal uncertainty and bring uniformity to decisions. This research was based on the reading of legislation, doctrines, governmental statistical data, in addition to the analysis of Brazilian jurisprudence.
Currently, in the Labor Courts, it is impossible to verify a uniformity in the decisions that deal with damage reparation as a result from an accident at work and occupational disease, with regard to the prescription institute. Increasingly, the jurisprudence is moving towards the imprescriptibility of the action to repair damages of this nature. In this context, the present study aims to open to the reader a discussion about the application of unequivocal science when resulting from an injury. For that, it presents some elementary concepts, such as work accident and prescription, in addiction to bringing to light some government statistical data regarding the number of accident victims in Brazil. In this regard, it was found that the Brazilian situation is alarming, which implies a large number of indemnity actions filed for the list of damages caused. Because of this, to analyze recent sentences handed down in the labor field to verify which moment is considered by the judges to apply the prescription, in view of the unequivocal science of the extent of the injury. Thus, it was concluded that, in most cases, the damage can only be evidenced after an expert's determination by the judge himself, when the magistrate considers that the victim is aware of the exact damages resulting from the damage. However, such a decision completely ignores the statute of limitations, causing companies to be condemned decades after the accident. As a suggestion to resolve the issue, this study presents alternatives to reduce legal uncertainty and bring uniformity to decisions. This research was based on the reading of legislation, doctrines, governmental statistical data, in addition to the analysis of Brazilian jurisprudence.
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ciência inequívoca , prescrição , acidente de trabalho , unequivocal science , prescription , work accident