A jornada da deusa-feiticeira sob a perspectiva de Circe, Medeia e Morgana e o impacto na mulher do século XXI
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Dores, Giovanna Suleiman das
Santos, Elaine Cristina Prado dos
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Este trabalho visa a refletir a respeito da jornada traçada por deusas-feiticeiras, em
específico de três deusas-feiticeiras relevantes no imaginário mitológico ocidental: a
Circe, a Medeia e a Morgana, e qual relevância social desta jornada para a mulher da
contemporaneidade. Nosso intuito é o de estabelecer uma estrutura comum entre as
narrativas analisadas, em forma de uma jornada da experiência feminina, com base no
Monomito, ou na Jornada do Herói, de Joseph Campbell e com fundamentação nas
teorias sobre a construção de representação e significação social e cultural do ideal
feminino de Simone de Beauvoir a modo de verificar quais aspectos da jornada da
deusas-feiticeiras ainda ressoam e impactam a mulher do século XXI. Em face desse
contexto, indagamos: Qual foi a jornada traçada pela feiticeira para se tornar o
catalisador da transformação do herói masculino do Monomito de Campbell e como
será que essa jornada de transformação feminina impacta a mulher do século XXI?
Temos ciência de que a jornada da transformação feminina da mulher contemporânea
transcende os conflitos mitológicos propostos nas narrativas de Circe, Medeia e
Morgana. No entanto, as releituras e ressignificações do ideal feminino presente nestas
deusas-feiticeiras se reproduzem e se transformam de acordo com o cenário atual e,
logo, se tornam fundamentais para a atualidade.
This work aims to reflect about the journey traced by witch-goddesses, specifically three relevant witch-goddesses in the western mythological imaginary: Circe, Medeia and Morgana, and what is the social relevance of this journey for the woman of contemporary times. Our aim is to establish a common structure between the narratives analyzed, in the form of a journey of the female experience, based on the Monomyth, or the Journey of the Hero, by Joseph Campbell and based on theories on the construction of representation and social meaning and cultural of the feminine ideal of Simone de Beauvoir in order to verify which aspects of the journey of the witch-goddesses still resonate and impact the women of the 21st century. In view of this context, we ask: What was the journey traced by the witch to become the catalyst for the transformation of the male hero of the Campbell Monomyth and how will this journey of female transformation impact the woman of the 21st century? We are aware that the journey of female transformation of contemporary women transcends the mythological conflicts proposed in the narratives of Circe, Medeia and Morgana. However, the reinterpretations and reinterpretations of the feminine ideal present in these witch-goddesses, reproduce and transform themselves according to the current scenario and, therefore, become fundamental for the present.
This work aims to reflect about the journey traced by witch-goddesses, specifically three relevant witch-goddesses in the western mythological imaginary: Circe, Medeia and Morgana, and what is the social relevance of this journey for the woman of contemporary times. Our aim is to establish a common structure between the narratives analyzed, in the form of a journey of the female experience, based on the Monomyth, or the Journey of the Hero, by Joseph Campbell and based on theories on the construction of representation and social meaning and cultural of the feminine ideal of Simone de Beauvoir in order to verify which aspects of the journey of the witch-goddesses still resonate and impact the women of the 21st century. In view of this context, we ask: What was the journey traced by the witch to become the catalyst for the transformation of the male hero of the Campbell Monomyth and how will this journey of female transformation impact the woman of the 21st century? We are aware that the journey of female transformation of contemporary women transcends the mythological conflicts proposed in the narratives of Circe, Medeia and Morgana. However, the reinterpretations and reinterpretations of the feminine ideal present in these witch-goddesses, reproduce and transform themselves according to the current scenario and, therefore, become fundamental for the present.
monomito , mulher , feiticeira , monomyth , women , witch