Fragmentos urbanos: segregação socioespacial em Uberlândia - MG
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Motta, Guilherme Augusto Soares da
Campos Neto, Candido Malta
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Antonucci, Denise
Castro, Luiz Guilherme Rivera de
Soares, Beatriz Ribeiro
Zioni, Silvana Maria
Castro, Luiz Guilherme Rivera de
Soares, Beatriz Ribeiro
Zioni, Silvana Maria
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This thesis proposes to study the ongoing transformations in the peripheries of the city of Uberlândia, Minas
Gerais, Brazil, which lead us to believe that the city undergoes a change of scale in the urbanization process from
the end of the decade of 2000. For this, it was necessary to take a path along the history of the urbanization of
the city that would prove to us that, in a certain historical moment, there was a significant jump in the scale of
this process compared to previous periods.We start from the hypothesis that the socio-spatial segregation in the
periphery of Uberlândia-MG was accentuated from the second decade of the twenty-first century, with the active
participation of the State in association with the private power, producing new forms of socio-spatial segregation
that add to the traditional by means of a change of scale that happens from the end of the year 2000. The general
objective of this thesis is to analyze the urban configuration of the city of Uberlândia-MG in the contemporaneity,
studying the prism of the new forms of socio-spatial segregation present in its periphery. We analyze the location
of neighborhoods destined both to housing of the higher classes, and of popular housing and the occurrence of
irregular occupations. In the first chapter, The city as a problem: The urbanization of cities in the global-South,
we have developed a study on urbanization in the global-South, by establishing theoretical bases discussed by
authors like Schindler (2017), Mabin (2015), Datta (2006), Hoelscher and Aijaz (2016), Roy (2009), Harrison and
Todes (2015), Turok (2012), among others. In order to define a territorial cut, we have made an intersection
between the countries that make up the so-called global-South and the BRICS economic group, selecting
specifically three Southern countries that will be the focus of theoretical considerations: Brazil, India and South
Africa. In the second chapter, The city as history: The process of urbanization, we developed a history of the
urbanization process of the city of Uberlândia-MG, therefore contributing to the perception of the morphological
changes that generate the contemporary urban fragments observed in the city. We consider as the structuring
axis of this chapter the analysis of public policies for the production of social housing, considering the
urbanization of Brazilian cities. These policies are great responsible for the urban conformation of our
peripheries. Methodologically speaking, we use the structure proposed by Bonduki (2014). In the third chapter,
The city as object: The cases, we analyze four contemporary urban processes perceived in the city of Uberlândia
MG: the region of Granja Marileusa, the Pequis Residencial, the enterprises of the MRV company in the region
of the Gávea Sul Allotment and the Irregular Occupation of Glória region. In the last chapter, The city in
fragments: The results, we analyze the results of the research according to four elements: social, political,
financial and in the global-South context of the process. We conclude that there was a change of scale in the
process of urbanization of the city and a change in the performance of the producers, where not only the local
elite acts in the process, but also influence the entry or combination of local producers with the globalized
market, inserting the urban process occurred in the city in a context of financialization of the urbanization
process. We also raise final questions in which we will need research contemplating the political changes taking
place in the country, starting with the 2018 election and its repercussions on urban and housing policies.
urbanização brasileira , sul-global , loteamentos urbanos , Uberlândia , financeirização
Assuntos Scopus
MOTTA, Guilherme Augusto Soares da. Fragmentos urbanos: segregação socioespacial em Uberlândia - MG. 2019. 295 f. Tese ( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019