O anonimato e a jurisdição eleitoral brasileira: análise da interpretação do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral sobre o anonimato na lei das eleições
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Silva, Matheus Disraeli de Souza Amado
Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
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Este artigo procurou compreender as características principais do anonimato, relacionando-as com a interpretação feita pelo Tribunal Superior Eleitoral em março de 2023, acerca da vedação ao anonimato contida no artigo 57-D da Lei das Eleições (Lei nº 9.504/97). Para tal objetivo, houve a revisão literária sobre o anonimato a partir de dois recortes principais: a discussão de Roland Barthes (2012) e Michel Foucault (2001) sobre a autoria e a relação entre autor, obra e leitor; e os estudos de Hans Asenbaum (2018) e Michael Karanicolas (2014) sobre vigilância, privacidade e anonimato. O artigo, no intuito de correlacionar a bibliografia acadêmica à realidade jurídica brasileira analisou a decisão do Recurso na Representação nº 0601754-50.2022.6.00.0000 do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, que inovou na interpretação acerca da punição existente no artigo 57-D da Lei das Eleições, de forma a não se enquadrar somente às hipóteses do uso do anonimato em abusos na liberdade de expressão, mas aplicando também à casos em que há a identificação do autor do discurso. A pesquisa observou que embora a vedação constitucional ao anonimato seja baseada na perspectiva antiga de anonimato, a decisão dada pelo TSE aponta um movimento interpretativo mais inclinado às novas perspectivas sobre o anonimato.
This article sought to understand the main characteristics of anonymity, relating them to the interpretation made by the Superior Electoral Court in March 2023, regarding the prohibition on anonymity contained in article 57-D of the Elections Law (Law No. 9,504/97). To this end, a literature review on anonymity was carried out based on two main points: Roland Barthes' (2012) and Michel Foucault's (2001) discussion on authorship and the relationship between author, text and reader; as well as, Hans Asenbaum's (2018) and Michael Karanicolas' (2014) studies on surveillance, privacy and anonymity. In order to correlate the academic literature with the Brazilian legal reality, the article analyzed the decision of the Superior Electoral Court in Appeal No. 0601754-50.2022.6.00.0000, which innovated in the interpretation of the existing punishment in Article 57-D of the Elections Law, so as not to fit only the hypotheses of the use of anonymity in abuses of freedom of expression, but also to apply to cases in which the author of the speech is identified. The research observed that although the constitutional prohibition on anonymity is based on the old perspective of anonymity, the decision handed down by the Superior Electoral Court indicates an interpretation movement that is more inclined towards the new perspectives on anonymity.
This article sought to understand the main characteristics of anonymity, relating them to the interpretation made by the Superior Electoral Court in March 2023, regarding the prohibition on anonymity contained in article 57-D of the Elections Law (Law No. 9,504/97). To this end, a literature review on anonymity was carried out based on two main points: Roland Barthes' (2012) and Michel Foucault's (2001) discussion on authorship and the relationship between author, text and reader; as well as, Hans Asenbaum's (2018) and Michael Karanicolas' (2014) studies on surveillance, privacy and anonymity. In order to correlate the academic literature with the Brazilian legal reality, the article analyzed the decision of the Superior Electoral Court in Appeal No. 0601754-50.2022.6.00.0000, which innovated in the interpretation of the existing punishment in Article 57-D of the Elections Law, so as not to fit only the hypotheses of the use of anonymity in abuses of freedom of expression, but also to apply to cases in which the author of the speech is identified. The research observed that although the constitutional prohibition on anonymity is based on the old perspective of anonymity, the decision handed down by the Superior Electoral Court indicates an interpretation movement that is more inclined towards the new perspectives on anonymity.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao prêmio TCC
anonimato , autoria , liberdade de expressão , democracia , anonymity , authorship. freedom of expression , democracy , electoral