O mundo é diferente da ponte pra cá
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Silva, Renata Nascimento da
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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O presente relatório dá embasamento ao documentário “O mundo é diferente da ponte
pra cá”, produto audiovisual de 22 minutos de duração, desenvolvido para mostrar as
consequências da crise sanitária na vida de moradores do bairro da Brasilândia, que
traz quatro habitantes do bairro, de diferentes idades e profissões, contando suas
experiências vividas durante a pandemia do novo coronavírus. O bairro periférico
localizado na zona norte de São Paulo foi um dos epicentros da doença em 2020,
matando cerca de 370 moradores. Com isso, o trabalho aborda as consequências
econômicas, sociais e os impactos que as perdas de parentes e amigos próximos
ocasionaram na vida dos residentes.
This report supports the documentary “The world is different from the bridge here”, an audiovisual product developed to show the consequences of the sanitary crisis in the lives of residents of the Brasilândia neighborhood. The peripheral neighborhood located in the northern part of São Paulo was one of the epicenters of the disease in 2020, killing around 370 residents in a single month. Thus, the work addresses the economic and social consequences and the impacts that the loss of relatives and close friends caused in the lives of residents. The result of this product was a 22-minute documentary that shows four residents of the neighborhood, of different ages and professions, addressing their experience during the new coronavirus pandemic.
This report supports the documentary “The world is different from the bridge here”, an audiovisual product developed to show the consequences of the sanitary crisis in the lives of residents of the Brasilândia neighborhood. The peripheral neighborhood located in the northern part of São Paulo was one of the epicenters of the disease in 2020, killing around 370 residents in a single month. Thus, the work addresses the economic and social consequences and the impacts that the loss of relatives and close friends caused in the lives of residents. The result of this product was a 22-minute documentary that shows four residents of the neighborhood, of different ages and professions, addressing their experience during the new coronavirus pandemic.
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coronavírus , periferia , pandemia , Covid-19 , documentário , jornalismo , coronavirus , periphery , pandemic , Covid-19 , documentar , journalism