O fenômeno oversharenting nas redes sociais e o papel dos pais na proteção do direito à privacidade dos filhos
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Vilhena, Giuliana
Rodrigues, Geisa de Assis
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Neste estudo foi enfatizada a importância dos direitos à imagem, intimidade e privacidade das crianças diante do fenômeno do "oversharenting" nas redes sociais. Busca-se entender a melhor forma de compatibilizar a liberdade de manifestação dos pais nas redes sociais e os direitos à privacidade de uma criança, uma vez que a exposição excessiva e não consensual da vida privada infantil pode acarretar consequências prejudiciais para o desenvolvimento e bem-estar delas. Embora se reconheça a necessidade de regulamentações específicas tanto no âmbito legal como nas plataformas digitais, atualmente, o vazio regulatório persiste. Portanto, a proteção dos direitos das crianças não deve recair somente sobre os pais, mas é um dever compartilhado por toda a sociedade e pelo Estado. Além disso, os pais devem ser incentivados a adotar práticas conscientes de oversharenting, solicitando o consentimento das crianças antes de compartilhar informações sobre elas, contribuindo assim para um ambiente digital mais seguro e respeitoso.
In this study was emphasized the importance of children's rights to image, intimacy and privacy in the face of the phenomenon of "oversharenting" on social networks. It seeks to understand the best way to reconcile parents' freedom of expression on social networks and a child's rights to privacy, since excessive and non-consensual exposure of children's private life can have harmful consequences for their development and well-being. While the need for specific regulations is recognized both in the legal sphere and on digital platforms, the regulatory vacuum currently persists. Therefore, the protection of children's rights should not fall solely on parents, but is a duty shared by society as a whole and by the State. Additionally, parents should be encouraged to adopt conscious oversharing practices by asking for children's consent before sharing information about them, thus contributing to a safer and more respectful digital environment.
In this study was emphasized the importance of children's rights to image, intimacy and privacy in the face of the phenomenon of "oversharenting" on social networks. It seeks to understand the best way to reconcile parents' freedom of expression on social networks and a child's rights to privacy, since excessive and non-consensual exposure of children's private life can have harmful consequences for their development and well-being. While the need for specific regulations is recognized both in the legal sphere and on digital platforms, the regulatory vacuum currently persists. Therefore, the protection of children's rights should not fall solely on parents, but is a duty shared by society as a whole and by the State. Additionally, parents should be encouraged to adopt conscious oversharing practices by asking for children's consent before sharing information about them, thus contributing to a safer and more respectful digital environment.
crianças , direito à imagem , privacidade e intimidade , internet , children , right to image , privacy and intimacy , oversharenting