O trabalho como direito fundamental no contexto dos refugiados no Brasil
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Pinto, Isabela de Souza
Mahlke, Helisane
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O intuito da presente monografia é discorrer uma breve análise acerca da temática migratória, mais especificamente a figura do refugiado, vista do âmbito laboral, considerando o trabalho como direito fundamental inerente ao homem. Para tal, analisou-se se a legislação nacional, à luz das normas internacionais, garante direitos mínimos para essas pessoas que se encontram em situação de refúgio, de vulnerabilidade extrema. Além disso, buscou-se averiguar qual o papel que a sociedade civil e o Estado desempenham na integração do refugiado no país de acolhida, conforme os preceitos recomendados pelo ACNUR. Ainda, buscou-se interpretar se a atuação estatal, no papel de garantidor de direitos humanos, é suficiente para a demanda atual de refugiados no Brasil. Nesse sentido, foi feito um levantamento de quais as políticas públicas e projetos da sociedade civil existentes atualmente, visando a inserção do refugiado no mercado de trabalho, bem como quais os óbices e dificuldades existentes para se conseguir um emprego e ter de volta a sua dignidade plena.
The purpose of this project is to discuss a brief analysis about the migratory theme, more specifically the figure of the refugee, with a perspective from the work environment, considering work as a fundamental right inherent to humans. To this end, it was analyzed whether national legislation, in the light of international standards, guarantees minimum rights for these people who are in a situation of refuge, of extreme vulnerability. In addition, an attempt was made to ascertain the role that civil society and the State play in the integration of refugees in the host country, in accordance with the guidelines recommended by UNHCR. Furthermore, it was sought to interpret whether state action, in the role of guarantor of human rights, is sufficient for the current demand for refugees in Brazil. In this sense, a survey was made of what public policies and civil society projects currently exist, aiming at the insertion of the refugee in the labor market, as well as the obstacles and difficulties that exist in order to get a job and have his dignity.
The purpose of this project is to discuss a brief analysis about the migratory theme, more specifically the figure of the refugee, with a perspective from the work environment, considering work as a fundamental right inherent to humans. To this end, it was analyzed whether national legislation, in the light of international standards, guarantees minimum rights for these people who are in a situation of refuge, of extreme vulnerability. In addition, an attempt was made to ascertain the role that civil society and the State play in the integration of refugees in the host country, in accordance with the guidelines recommended by UNHCR. Furthermore, it was sought to interpret whether state action, in the role of guarantor of human rights, is sufficient for the current demand for refugees in Brazil. In this sense, a survey was made of what public policies and civil society projects currently exist, aiming at the insertion of the refugee in the labor market, as well as the obstacles and difficulties that exist in order to get a job and have his dignity.
refugiados , integração , acesso ao trabalho , políticas públicas e migração , refugee , integration , access to work , public policies and migration