Ensino de Língua Inglesa por meio de uma plataforma de streaming
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Vieira, Andreza Gonçalves
Martins, Valéria Bussola
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No mundo atual, a língua inglesa torna-se cada vez mais indispensável para qualquer
cidadão, seja por motivos pessoais, como para viagens, ou por necessidades
profissionais. Contudo, é considerável o número de pessoas que já tentou se tornar
fluente nesse idioma estrangeiro, mas que não obteve êxito. Escolas suficientes
existem, porém, muitas vezes, os métodos de ensino não conseguem fazer com que
o aluno mantenha a meta de aprender uma segunda língua. Alguns indivíduos se
sentem desmotivados diante da necessidade de decorar extensas listas de
vocabulário e regras gramaticais. É a partir dessa realidade que surgiu o tema deste
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC): ensino de Língua Inglesa por meio de uma
plataforma de streaming. Buscar-se-á responder ao seguinte problema de pesquisa:
quais são as estratégias necessárias para que um curso digital consiga fazer com que
os seus inscritos desenvolvam habilidades de comunicação em Língua Inglesa de
maneira efetiva e funcional? Inicialmente, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica
sobre o ensino de Língua Inglesa. Na sequência, ocorreu uma busca digital para a
verificação dos concorrentes diretos e indiretos, assim como a constatação dos pontos
fortes e fracos dos cursos que se propõem a ensinar o idioma estrangeiro. Por fim, é
apresentado o curso “Viaje no inglês”, sua missão e seus valores, bem como são
expostos os materiais didáticos e os roteiros dos cinco primeiros vídeos do programa.
O público leitor pode ainda, se desejar, assistir ao vídeo piloto que foi gravado. Como
referencial teórico foram usados os pensamentos de David Crystal, Kátia Mota,
Priscila Furlanetto, Rampazzo, Richards e Rodgers e Jack Richards.
In today's world, the English language is becoming extremely important for any citizen, whether for personal reasons such as travel or for professional needs. However, there is a considerable number of people who have tried to become fluent in this foreign language but have not succeeded. There are several schools around the world, but the teaching methods have failed to keep students motivated to learn a second language. In this context, it must be highlighted that some students feel discouraged when faced with the need to memorize extensive vocabulary lists and grammar rules. Considering this reality, the topic of this thesis is: teaching English through a streaming platform. The research aims to answer the following question: what strategies are necessary for a digital course to enable its subscribers to develop effective and functional communication skills in the English language? First, a bibliographic research on English language teaching was done. Then, a digital search was carried out to examine direct and indirect competitors, as well as to identify the strengths and weaknesses of courses that aim to teach the foreign language. Finally, the “Viaje no inglês” course is presented, along with its mission and values, as well as the didactic materials and the scripts of the first five videos of the program. Besides that, the target audience can also watch the pilot video that was recorded. The theoretical framework includes the thoughts of David Crystal, Kátia Mota, Priscila Furlanetto, Rampazzo, Richards and Rodgers, and Jack Richards.
In today's world, the English language is becoming extremely important for any citizen, whether for personal reasons such as travel or for professional needs. However, there is a considerable number of people who have tried to become fluent in this foreign language but have not succeeded. There are several schools around the world, but the teaching methods have failed to keep students motivated to learn a second language. In this context, it must be highlighted that some students feel discouraged when faced with the need to memorize extensive vocabulary lists and grammar rules. Considering this reality, the topic of this thesis is: teaching English through a streaming platform. The research aims to answer the following question: what strategies are necessary for a digital course to enable its subscribers to develop effective and functional communication skills in the English language? First, a bibliographic research on English language teaching was done. Then, a digital search was carried out to examine direct and indirect competitors, as well as to identify the strengths and weaknesses of courses that aim to teach the foreign language. Finally, the “Viaje no inglês” course is presented, along with its mission and values, as well as the didactic materials and the scripts of the first five videos of the program. Besides that, the target audience can also watch the pilot video that was recorded. The theoretical framework includes the thoughts of David Crystal, Kátia Mota, Priscila Furlanetto, Rampazzo, Richards and Rodgers, and Jack Richards.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
ensino , Língua Inglesa , habilidades , streaming