A relação entre o helicobacter pylori e as pequenas epitelizações colunares do esôfago distal com ou sem metaplasia intestinal
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Degiovani, Matheus
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Introdução: A presença de metaplasia intestinal no esôfago distal (esôfago de
Barrett) é importante doença precursora do adenocarcinoma. O conhecimento sobre
os fatores de risco e o processo pelo qual o Barrett se desenvolve é de suma
importância e o H.pylori pode contribuir para esse desenvolvimento. Objetivo:
Analisar o impacto do H.pylori na mucosa gástrica sobre as metaplasias intestinais
no esôfago distal em áreas de epitelização colunar menores que 10 mm de
extensão, estratificado para gênero e idade. Método: Estudo retrospectivo com
inclusão de 373 pacientes consecutivos, com diagnóstico de epitélio colunar no
esôfago distal. Em todos foram pesquisados o H.pylori por dois métodos (urease e
histológico) e aplicados os fatores de exclusão e inclusão. Dividiu-se em dois
grupos: o primeiro agregando os pacientes sem diagnóstico histológico de esôfago
de Barrett (235 - 63%) e o segundo comportando os com diagnóstico histológico de
esôfago de Barrett (138 - 37%). Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre
os portadores ou não do H.pylori em relação à probabilidade de ter metaplasia
intestinal (p=0,587). Quando relacionado ao grupo geral, houve associação inversa
entre a bactéria e a epitelização colunar em esôfago distal. Idade (p=0,031), gênero
(p=0,013) e H.pylori (p=0,613) quando relacionados juntos à metaplasia intestinal
não mostraram relação significativa. Isoladamente, quando relacionados idade e
gênero, independente do H.pylori, surgiram resultados confirmando que pacientes
de idade mais avançada e mulheres apresentam maior incidência de metaplasia
intestinal (esôfago de Barrett). Conclusão: Existe uma relação inversa entre o
H.Pylori e as ECED, independente da presença ou não de metaplasia intestinal. Já
em relação à idade e gênero, independente do H.pylori, nota-se que em mulheres e
quanto maior for a idade dos indivíduos, há aumento no número de casos com
metaplasia intestinal no esôfago distal.
Introduction: The presence of intestinal metaplasia in the distal esophagus (Barrett's esophagus) is an important precursor of adenocarcinoma. Knowledge of the risk factors and the process by which the Barrett develops is very importance and H.pylori can contribute to this development. Objective: To analyze the impact of H. pylori in the gastric mucosa of intestinal metaplasia in the distal esophagus in areas of columnar epithelialization smaller than 10 mm in length, stratified for gender and age. Method: A retrospective study in which were included 373 consecutive patients diagnosed with columnar epithelium in the distal esophagus. In all it was searched the H.pylori by two methods (urease and histology) and applied the inclusion and exclusion factors. It is divided into two groups: the first adding patients without histological diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus (235-63%) and the second comprising the histologically diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus (138-37%). Results: There was no significant difference between the carriers of H. pylori or not in relation to the likelihood of having intestinal metaplasia (p = 0.587). When related to the general group, there was an inverse association between the bacteria and the columnar epithelialization in the distal esophagus. Age (p = 0.031), gender (p = 0.013) and H. pylori (p = 0.613) when connected together to intestinal metaplasia showed no significant relationship. In isolation; when related age and gender, regardless of H. pylori emerged results confirming that older patients and women have a higher incidence of intestinal metaplasia (Barrett's esophagus). Conclusion: The presence or absence of intestinal metaplasia of distal esophagus when related to H. pylori in the gastric mucosa, is not significant. In relation to age and gender, regardless of H.pylori, we note that in women and the greater the age of the individuals, there is an increase in the number of cases with intestinal metaplasia in the distal esophagus.
Introduction: The presence of intestinal metaplasia in the distal esophagus (Barrett's esophagus) is an important precursor of adenocarcinoma. Knowledge of the risk factors and the process by which the Barrett develops is very importance and H.pylori can contribute to this development. Objective: To analyze the impact of H. pylori in the gastric mucosa of intestinal metaplasia in the distal esophagus in areas of columnar epithelialization smaller than 10 mm in length, stratified for gender and age. Method: A retrospective study in which were included 373 consecutive patients diagnosed with columnar epithelium in the distal esophagus. In all it was searched the H.pylori by two methods (urease and histology) and applied the inclusion and exclusion factors. It is divided into two groups: the first adding patients without histological diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus (235-63%) and the second comprising the histologically diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus (138-37%). Results: There was no significant difference between the carriers of H. pylori or not in relation to the likelihood of having intestinal metaplasia (p = 0.587). When related to the general group, there was an inverse association between the bacteria and the columnar epithelialization in the distal esophagus. Age (p = 0.031), gender (p = 0.013) and H. pylori (p = 0.613) when connected together to intestinal metaplasia showed no significant relationship. In isolation; when related age and gender, regardless of H. pylori emerged results confirming that older patients and women have a higher incidence of intestinal metaplasia (Barrett's esophagus). Conclusion: The presence or absence of intestinal metaplasia of distal esophagus when related to H. pylori in the gastric mucosa, is not significant. In relation to age and gender, regardless of H.pylori, we note that in women and the greater the age of the individuals, there is an increase in the number of cases with intestinal metaplasia in the distal esophagus.
esôfago de Barrett , helicobacter pylori , etaplasia , CNPQ::CIENCIAS DA SAUDE