"Eu ainda estou aqui”: aspectos da dupla vulnerabilidade – pessoas com deficiência em situação de rua
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Vinci, Amanda Carolina da Silva
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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O acesso à moradia no Brasil é assunto que permeia mais de uma esfera do conhecimento e
envolve a coordenação de suporte multifacetado de medidas e união de esforços para assegurar,
inclusive, o direito à cidade. O recorte de pesquisa da presente monografia abrange público
específico, com necessidades cada vez mais prementes e interesses bastante peculiares. As
pessoas com deficiência em situação de rua no Brasil, principalmente nos grandes centros, ainda
são bastante invisibilizadas e compõem contingente ainda maior com o passar dos anos. Pouco
se sabe sobre os dados cruzados, praticamente inexistentes, e as políticas em atenção e
acolhimento, nulas na atual conjuntura. Assim, é nesse cenário pouco propositivo em políticas
habitacionais e que racionalizem o uso equitativo do espaço urbano que se insere o presente
projeto. Através do cotejo dos dados dos dois mais recentes censos demográficos – 2010 e 2020
- e da análise do acervo legislativo já editado até aqui serão trazidas à luz ideias que ofereçam
alternativas críveis para assegurar maior atenção ao público-alvo, observado o cuidado, a
proteção, salvaguarda jurídica e autonomia que se demanda.
The access to housing in Brazil is a subject that permeates more than one sphere of knowledge and involves the coordination of a multifaceted support of measures and union of efforts to ensure the right to the city. The center of the present monography covers a specific public, increasingly more pressing needs and very peculiar interests. The people with disabilities living on the streets in Brazil, especially in large centers, are still very invisible and settle an even larger contingent over the years. There is a few data about them; the cross data are practically nonexistent, and the policies of care and shelter are null in the current conjuncture. Thus, it is in this scenario that the present project is inserted, with little proposition in housing policies that rationalize the equitable use of urban space. Through the comparison of data from the two most recent demographic censuses – 2010 and 2020 - and the analysis of the of the legislation already edited up to now, ideas will be brought to light up a credible alternatives and ensure greater attention to the target public, observing the care, protection, legal safeguards and autonomy that is demanded.
The access to housing in Brazil is a subject that permeates more than one sphere of knowledge and involves the coordination of a multifaceted support of measures and union of efforts to ensure the right to the city. The center of the present monography covers a specific public, increasingly more pressing needs and very peculiar interests. The people with disabilities living on the streets in Brazil, especially in large centers, are still very invisible and settle an even larger contingent over the years. There is a few data about them; the cross data are practically nonexistent, and the policies of care and shelter are null in the current conjuncture. Thus, it is in this scenario that the present project is inserted, with little proposition in housing policies that rationalize the equitable use of urban space. Through the comparison of data from the two most recent demographic censuses – 2010 and 2020 - and the analysis of the of the legislation already edited up to now, ideas will be brought to light up a credible alternatives and ensure greater attention to the target public, observing the care, protection, legal safeguards and autonomy that is demanded.
pessoas com deficiência , pessoas em situação de rua , habitação , acessibilidade , people with disabilities , homeless people , housing , accessibility