O conflito entre o princípio da soberania e o princípio da solidariedade internacional em razão do direito humano de terceira dimensão a um meio ambiente equilibrado quando no desenvolvimento da Amazônia brasileira
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Vasconcelos, Gustavo Souza de
Monaco, Gustavo Ferraz de Campos
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O direito humano de terceira dimensão a um meio ambiente equilibrado entra em conflito
de forma preponderante com o direito humano de terceira dimensão ao desenvolvimento.
Em se tratando da Amazônia brasileira, este embate se acentua, dado a importância desta
região para o mundo, e da necessidade de desenvolvimento ali. O que acarreta também a
tensão entre os princípios da solidariedade internacional e soberania nacional, que acaba
sendo agravada pelas queimadas na floresta no ano de 2019, que será repercutida no
mundo, sendo pauta da reunião do G7. E assim, cria-se um problema, pois o que acontece
com a Amazônia acaba por afetar o mundo e logo desenvolver e explorar a região se torna
um desafio, problematizando-se a prevalência de tais princípios e direitos. Desta forma, este
trabalho tem por objetivo geral identificar se com relação ao desenvolvimento da Amazônia
brasileira é possível conciliar tais princípios e direitos humanos de terceira dimensão, o que
recorrendo a uma pesquisa qualitativa com uso da técnica de estudo bibliográfico e
normativo, ao percorrer assuntos como o nível de queimada, a relevância do princípio da
soberania nacional, poluição transfronteiriça, o direito ao meio ambiente equilibrado,
interferências e convenções internacionais, os problemas na Amazônia brasileira, embargos
econômicos, o agronegócio e legislação brasileira; se mostrou possível.
The third-dimensional human right to a balanced environment conflicts overwhelmingly with the third-dimensional human right to development. When it comes to the Brazilian Amazon, this conflict is accentuated, due to the importance of this region for the world and the needing for development there. This also leads to tension between the principles of international solidarity and national sovereignty, which ends up being aggravated by the forest fires in 2019, which has had repercussions around the world, being the agenda of the G7 meeting. Then, a problem is created, because what happens to the Amazon impact the world and soon developing and exploring the region becomes a challenge, questioning the prevalence of such principles and rights. Thus, this work has the general objective of identifying whether, in relation to the development of the Brazilian Amazon, it is possible to reconcile such principles and third-dimensional human rights, something that by adopting qualitative research using the bibliographic and normative study technique, when covering subjects such as the level of fire, the relevance of the principle of national sovereignty, cross-border pollution, the right to a balanced environment, interference and international conventions, problems in the Brazilian Amazon, economic embargoes, agribusiness and Brazilian legislation; it proved possible.
The third-dimensional human right to a balanced environment conflicts overwhelmingly with the third-dimensional human right to development. When it comes to the Brazilian Amazon, this conflict is accentuated, due to the importance of this region for the world and the needing for development there. This also leads to tension between the principles of international solidarity and national sovereignty, which ends up being aggravated by the forest fires in 2019, which has had repercussions around the world, being the agenda of the G7 meeting. Then, a problem is created, because what happens to the Amazon impact the world and soon developing and exploring the region becomes a challenge, questioning the prevalence of such principles and rights. Thus, this work has the general objective of identifying whether, in relation to the development of the Brazilian Amazon, it is possible to reconcile such principles and third-dimensional human rights, something that by adopting qualitative research using the bibliographic and normative study technique, when covering subjects such as the level of fire, the relevance of the principle of national sovereignty, cross-border pollution, the right to a balanced environment, interference and international conventions, problems in the Brazilian Amazon, economic embargoes, agribusiness and Brazilian legislation; it proved possible.
soberania , meio-ambiente , Amazônia , desenvolvimento , sovereignty , environment , Amazon , development