Princípio da insignificância: um estudo de sua aplicação, incidência e análise de suas consequências, sendo o Direito Penal a última ratio do Estado
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Cavassani, Felipe Giacomazi
Rodrigo, Felberg
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O presente estudo tem por objetivo realizar uma análise aprofundada do princípio da insignificância no Direito Penal brasileiro, sob a ótica da teoria do bem jurídico, partindo de princípios que o fundamentam. Posteriormente, analisou-se sua evolução histórica, desde o Direito Romano, passando pelo período Iluminista, para então se entender o princípio da insignificância. Fez-se uma classificação quanto à sua natureza jurídica e então, uma análise do conceito do princípio da insignificância e de seus critérios para aplicação conforme o Supremo Tribunal Federal, a partir da decisão paradigma do Habeas Corpus nº 84.412-0/SP. Analisou-se ainda, critérios específicos de aplicação do princípio Por fim, analisou-se algumas consequências de sua aplicação, bem como elencou-se algumas críticas recorrentes à sua aplicação pela doutrina.
This study aims to present an in-depth analysis of the principle of insignificance in Brazilian Criminal Law, from the perspective of the “bem jurídico” theory, starting from the principles that underlie it. Subsequently, its historical evolution was analyzed, from Roman Law, through the Illuminist period, to understand the principle of insignificance. It´s legal nature was classified and then, the concept of the principle of insignificance and its criteria for application according to the Federal Supreme Court, from Habeas Corpus paradigm decision No. 84.412-0 / SP, were analyzed. Specific criteria for the application of the principle were also analyzed. Finally, some consequences of its application were analyzed, as well as some recurrent criticisms of its application by the doctrine.
This study aims to present an in-depth analysis of the principle of insignificance in Brazilian Criminal Law, from the perspective of the “bem jurídico” theory, starting from the principles that underlie it. Subsequently, its historical evolution was analyzed, from Roman Law, through the Illuminist period, to understand the principle of insignificance. It´s legal nature was classified and then, the concept of the principle of insignificance and its criteria for application according to the Federal Supreme Court, from Habeas Corpus paradigm decision No. 84.412-0 / SP, were analyzed. Specific criteria for the application of the principle were also analyzed. Finally, some consequences of its application were analyzed, as well as some recurrent criticisms of its application by the doctrine.
última ratio do estado , princípio da insignificância , direito penal , intervenção mínima , principle of insignificance , criminal law , last reason of the state , minimal intervention