Teoria do terceiro cúmplice – a natureza jurídica da responsabilidade do terceiro cúmplice
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Falzetta, Maria Júlia Baptista Balsamo
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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O presente trabalho visou discutir o advento da Teoria do Terceiro Cúmplice no que tange ao
diagnóstico da natureza jurídica da responsabilidade do terceiro na relação contratual em
conjunto com a análise jurisprudencial da aplicação deste instituto, para finalmente
compreender qual a abordagem atual e as conclusões que os tribunais brasileiros vêm
alcançando em relação ao tema. Antes de adentrar ao tema principal, fez-se necessário abordar
a estrutura conceitual e principiológica dos contratos. Em seguida, foi feita breve análise
histórica da teoria, bem como análise de direito comparado com países que possuem
ordenamento jurídico da civil law e common law acerca da utilização da teoria, para fins de
comparação teórica e prática dos ordenamentos jurídicos. Para tanto, o procedimento
metodológico consistiu na pesquisa bibliográfica, análise doutrinária e de decisões recentes e
relevantes vinculadas à matéria. Como resultado, evidenciou-se que ainda não há corrente
predominante, tendo em vista que cada caso envolvendo a utilização da teoria é julgado
conforme suas peculiaridades, havendo pleitos em que a responsabilidade do terceiro cúmplice
é considerada como contratual e em outros, como extracontratual. O que se confirma é a adesão
regular da jurisprudência à teoria, mas ainda com diferentes abordagens quanto às
peculiaridades da condenação pecuniária nos casos práticos.
This paper had the aim to discuss the advent of the “Teoria do Terceiro Cúmplice” (“Inducing Breach of Contract”) with regards to the diagnostic of the legal nature of the civil liability of the third party on the contractual relation in set with the case law analysis of this theory, to finally comprehend what is the current approach and conclusions that the Brazilian courts have been getting regarding this subject. Before entering into the key subject, it will be necessary to address the contractual conceptual structure and principles structure. Next, it was made the analysis of comparative law with countries of civil law and common law regarding the theory application, for the purpose of both legal order comparison. For such, the methodological procedural will consist on bibliographical research, the topic’s doctrinal analysis and analysis of court cases associated to the matter. As a result, it got to the conclusion that there is still no predominant view, considering that each law suit evolving this theory is judged by its singularities, as there are cases that the civil liability of the third party is considered as contractual and at others, non-contractual. What was defined is the regular application of this theory by jurisprudence, but still with different approaches regarding the singularities of monetary convictions on the practical cases.
This paper had the aim to discuss the advent of the “Teoria do Terceiro Cúmplice” (“Inducing Breach of Contract”) with regards to the diagnostic of the legal nature of the civil liability of the third party on the contractual relation in set with the case law analysis of this theory, to finally comprehend what is the current approach and conclusions that the Brazilian courts have been getting regarding this subject. Before entering into the key subject, it will be necessary to address the contractual conceptual structure and principles structure. Next, it was made the analysis of comparative law with countries of civil law and common law regarding the theory application, for the purpose of both legal order comparison. For such, the methodological procedural will consist on bibliographical research, the topic’s doctrinal analysis and analysis of court cases associated to the matter. As a result, it got to the conclusion that there is still no predominant view, considering that each law suit evolving this theory is judged by its singularities, as there are cases that the civil liability of the third party is considered as contractual and at others, non-contractual. What was defined is the regular application of this theory by jurisprudence, but still with different approaches regarding the singularities of monetary convictions on the practical cases.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2020.
teoria do terceiro cúmplice , responsabilidade civil , responsabilidade contratual e extracontratual , análise jurisprudencial , inducing breach of contract , civil liability , contractual and non-contractual civil liability , case law analysis