A lei de cotas no Poder Legislativo : uma análise da representação feminina na política partidária brasileira
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Machado, Monica Sapucaia
Duarte, Clarice Seixas
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Bertolin, Patrícia Tuma Martins
Thome, Candy Florencio
Thome, Candy Florencio
Direito Político e Econômico
This work sought to examine the electoral quotas as a public policy, through the analysis of the Brazilian laws in force, the literature and official data on the participation of women in positions of power, especially in the Brazilian legislat
ive power. First of all, we analyzed the right to equality and its variations, as well as the mechanisms to enforce
it, with emphasis on affirmative action. We also analyzed the legitimacy of affirmative action to protect the rights of minorities, especially women in positions of power. The regulatory instruments of the electoral quota policy were evaluated, seeking to unravel the difficulties arising from the legal framework of public policy. This paper brought to the spotlight the mechanisms used to implement the policy and possible ways o reduce inequality between men and women in Brazilian politics and
the results of women s participation in Brazilian elections
since the implementation of affirmative action electoral quotas. In order to do it, we analyzed documents and bibliographies on the right of women, the importance of women's political participation to democracy and electoral quotas on Brazilian politics, as well as official data on election results since 1996. From this research , we concluded that, although important steps have been taken to promote gender equality in Brazil, there is still much to achieve , especially on women's participation in politics.
igualdade de gênero , mulheres , política pública , cotas eleitorais , gender equality , women in politics , public policies , electoral quotas