Perfis falsos em redes sociais contemporâneas: uma análise quanto às responsabilidades penal e civil
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Duarte, Stéphanie Martinez
Figueiredo, Maria Patrícia Vanzolini
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É possível visualizar que, com o surgimento da Internet no mundo, as interações sociais se
alteraram drasticamente. Diante de um novo cenário, é preciso que haja novas regras de
convivência entre os seres humanos.
Assim como no mundo real, na internet também são cometidos crimes. Com a diferença de
que na Internet há crimes virtuais próprios e os impróprios, ou seja, crimes em que a internet
é o crime-fim ou o crime-meio.
Após essa abordagem, é essencial que o leitor tome conhecimento do que é um perfil falso,
bem como quais são as possíveis motivações de um usuário criá-lo, seja com intenção
criminosa ou não.
O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar a responsabilidade possível de ser imputada ao
usuário fake nos âmbitos civil e penal, mas, mais importante é saber como funciona o Direito
Digital e como é possível uma investigação no sentido de identificar a pessoa responsável
pelo dano causado. Dessa forma, o trabalho traz aspectos fundamentais dessa investigação.
No âmbito civil, a responsabilidade pela indenização da vítima, por um ato praticado por perfil
falso, é um fardo que pode recair também ao provedor de aplicação ou de conexão, gerando
uma grande discussão jurisprudencial acerca do artigo 19 do Marco Civil da Internet e os
artigos 3 e 14 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor.
No âmbito penal, o trabalho se dedica a avaliar quanto ao enquadramento da criação de um
perfil falso aos crimes de falsidade ideológica e falsa identidade, uma vez visualizada a
possibilidade de um concurso de crimes entre os mencionados e aqueles praticados na
internet através do uso de perfis falsos.
O trabalho ainda traz reflexões quanto à liberdade de expressão e a proibição do anonimato,
previstos na Constituição Federal de 1988, bem como a importância da educação no meio
No mais, o trabalho apresenta o Projeto de Lei que tramita no Congresso com a finalidade de
criminalização do uso de perfil falso, também trazendo a legislação comparada da Califórnia,
onde essa previsão é existente.
It is possible to see that with the emergence of the Internet in the world, social interactions have changed dramatically. In the face of a new scenario, there must be new rules for coexistence between human beings. Just like in the real world, crimes are also committed on the internet. With the difference that on the Internet there are virtual crimes proper and improper ones, that is, crimes in which the Internet is the ultimate crime or the middle crime. After this approach, it is essential that the reader becomes aware of what a fake profile is, as well as what are the possible motivations of a user to create it, whether with criminal intent or not. The objective of this work is to present the possible responsibility to be imputed to the fake user in the civil and criminal spheres, but, more important is to know how Digital Law works and how an investigation is possible in order to identify the person responsible for the damage caused. Therefore, the work brings fundamental investigation aspects. In the civil sphere, the responsibility for the compensation of the victim, for an act practiced for false profile, is a burden that can also fall on the application or connection provider, generating a great jurisprudential discussion about article 19 of the Marco Civil da Internet and the articles 3 and 14 of the Código do Consumidor. In the criminal field, the work is dedicated to assessing the framing of the creation of a false profile to crimes of ideological falsehood and false identity, once the possibility of a contest of crimes between those mentioned and those practiced on the internet through the use of fake profiles. The work also brings reflections on freedom of expression and the prohibition of anonymity, provided for in the Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as the importance of education in the electronic medium. In addition, the paper presents the Project that is being processed in Congress for the purpose of criminalizing the use of false profiles, also bringing the comparative legislation of California, where this provision exists.
It is possible to see that with the emergence of the Internet in the world, social interactions have changed dramatically. In the face of a new scenario, there must be new rules for coexistence between human beings. Just like in the real world, crimes are also committed on the internet. With the difference that on the Internet there are virtual crimes proper and improper ones, that is, crimes in which the Internet is the ultimate crime or the middle crime. After this approach, it is essential that the reader becomes aware of what a fake profile is, as well as what are the possible motivations of a user to create it, whether with criminal intent or not. The objective of this work is to present the possible responsibility to be imputed to the fake user in the civil and criminal spheres, but, more important is to know how Digital Law works and how an investigation is possible in order to identify the person responsible for the damage caused. Therefore, the work brings fundamental investigation aspects. In the civil sphere, the responsibility for the compensation of the victim, for an act practiced for false profile, is a burden that can also fall on the application or connection provider, generating a great jurisprudential discussion about article 19 of the Marco Civil da Internet and the articles 3 and 14 of the Código do Consumidor. In the criminal field, the work is dedicated to assessing the framing of the creation of a false profile to crimes of ideological falsehood and false identity, once the possibility of a contest of crimes between those mentioned and those practiced on the internet through the use of fake profiles. The work also brings reflections on freedom of expression and the prohibition of anonymity, provided for in the Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as the importance of education in the electronic medium. In addition, the paper presents the Project that is being processed in Congress for the purpose of criminalizing the use of false profiles, also bringing the comparative legislation of California, where this provision exists.
rede social , fake , perfil falso , criminalização , social networks , fake profile , criminalization