A inovação na gestão de projetos como vantagem competitiva e ferramenta para geração de lucro
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Araújo, Lizena Matias Pinto de
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Vivemos em uma era onde as transformações são constantes, os clientes estão ca-da vez exigentes e hoje dificilmente sabem o que querem com tantas ofertas à sua disposição, por isso as empresas precisam se atualizar e buscar ferramentas que lhe proporcionem vantagem competitiva ou a tão sonhada perenidade. A humanida-de esta absorvendo e criando tantas informações, que as mudanças acontecem ge-rando a impressão de que não será possível acompanha-las. Incorporar nos colabo-radores a visão de dono, para que estes deixem de olhar localmente e passem a avaliar as situações Globalmente, não é uma tarefa fácil, as empresas precisam de tempo, por isso, investir em ferramentas que permitam a obtenção de resultados rá-pidos é uma opção para aumentar a lucratividade. A gestão de projetos se desen-volve amplamente porque gera lucro e atrelada à gestão da Inovação, também traz vantagem competitiva, pois seu objetivo é manter-se a frente das empresas com fo-co em atingir o que realmente impacta nos resultados da organização. Portanto este estudo pautou-se na analise de algumas metodologias, bem como no estudo de al-gumas empresas que atingiram um patamar estratégico desejável. Através destes levantamentos, será possível avaliar as diversas formas que obtemos em evitar fa-lhas nos projetos e gerar vantagem competitiva para as organizações.
We live in an era where change is constant, customers are increasingly demanding and today hardly know what they want with so many offers available to them, so companies need to update and search tools that will provide competitive advantage or dreamed perpetuity . Humanity is creating and absorbing so much information that changes happen generating the impression that you can not accompany it. Incorpo-rate employees in the vision of the owner, so that they cease to look locally and start to evaluate situations Globally, it is not an easy task, companies need time, so invest in tools that allow to obtain fast results is an option to increase profitability. Project management develops widely because it generates profit and linked to the manage-ment of Innovation, also brings competitive advantage, because your goal is to stay ahead of companies focusing on achieving what really impacts the organization's re-sults. Therefore this study was based on analysis of some methodologies, as well as study the implementation of some companies that have reached a desirable strategic level. Through these surveys will be possible to evaluate the different ways we get to avoid project failure and generate competitive advantage for organizations.
We live in an era where change is constant, customers are increasingly demanding and today hardly know what they want with so many offers available to them, so companies need to update and search tools that will provide competitive advantage or dreamed perpetuity . Humanity is creating and absorbing so much information that changes happen generating the impression that you can not accompany it. Incorpo-rate employees in the vision of the owner, so that they cease to look locally and start to evaluate situations Globally, it is not an easy task, companies need time, so invest in tools that allow to obtain fast results is an option to increase profitability. Project management develops widely because it generates profit and linked to the manage-ment of Innovation, also brings competitive advantage, because your goal is to stay ahead of companies focusing on achieving what really impacts the organization's re-sults. Therefore this study was based on analysis of some methodologies, as well as study the implementation of some companies that have reached a desirable strategic level. Through these surveys will be possible to evaluate the different ways we get to avoid project failure and generate competitive advantage for organizations.
Inovação , Gestão de projetos , Vantagem competitiva