Violação dos direitos fundamentais no sistema carcerário brasileiro: um olhar sob a ótica da superlotação dos presídios
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Santos, Júlia Sala
Bruno, Reinaldo Moreira
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O Brasil é um país emergente, de forte desigualdade social e que ainda pouco explora a sanção a cumprimento de penas alternativas à restrição de liberdade para os principais crimes cometidos no país. Consequentemente, é um país com grande nível de encarceramento e que se encontra com o sistema prisional superlotado. Este sistema superlotado, por sua vez, impossibilita uma tutela eficaz dos direitos dos presos por parte do Estado, que carece de infraestrutura e de recursos humanos e financeiros para tal. Importa, desta forma, compreender o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e relacioná-lo com a realidade atual do sistema carcerário. Preliminarmente, aborda-se os direitos de máxima proteção na legislação brasileira e a evolução histórica da privação de liberdade enquanto pena/sanção. A seguir, o presente trabalho se presta à análise dos dados mais recentes registrados por levantamentos nacionais carcerários e de execuções penais, a fim de evidenciar a superlotação dos presídios. Por fim, discorre sobre as violações de direitos trazidas pela superlotação e propõe eventuais melhorias a este sistema.
Brazil is an emerging country with high social inequality, and alternative sanctions for custodial sentences are still little explored in the country. Subsequently, it is a country with elevated levels of incarceration, and which has an overloaded prison system. This overloaded system, on the other hand. makes an effective protection of inmates' rights impossible by the State, which is faulty in infrastructure, economic and human resources on this matter. It is important, therefore, to understand Brazilian legal order and relate it to the reality of the prison system. At first, this paper approaches rights of maximum protection in Brazilian legislation and historical evolution of liberty deprivation as a penalty/sanction. Hereinafter, the present paper aims to the analysis of recent data registered by national surveys about prison system and penal execution, in order to emphasize prison overpopulation. Lastly, this paper discusses violations of rights due to prison overpopulation and proposes improvements to this system.
Brazil is an emerging country with high social inequality, and alternative sanctions for custodial sentences are still little explored in the country. Subsequently, it is a country with elevated levels of incarceration, and which has an overloaded prison system. This overloaded system, on the other hand. makes an effective protection of inmates' rights impossible by the State, which is faulty in infrastructure, economic and human resources on this matter. It is important, therefore, to understand Brazilian legal order and relate it to the reality of the prison system. At first, this paper approaches rights of maximum protection in Brazilian legislation and historical evolution of liberty deprivation as a penalty/sanction. Hereinafter, the present paper aims to the analysis of recent data registered by national surveys about prison system and penal execution, in order to emphasize prison overpopulation. Lastly, this paper discusses violations of rights due to prison overpopulation and proposes improvements to this system.
pena privativa de liberdade , sistema prisional , superlotação , custodial sentence , prison system , overpopulation