Morte e sustentabilidade: o caminho para a conservação sustentável da vida
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Conde, Julia Vieira de Paiva
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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O modo como o corpo é destinado com o fim da vida humana é um tema polêmico por obrigar um diálogo aberto sobre a morte, tópico bastante censurado na sociedade brasileira, ainda que muito vivenciado. A partir do método científico indutivo estipula-se a observação geral de que a ausência de abertura sobre o tema repercute na ignorância sobre os impactos ambientais causados pela maneira como o corpo é tratado. Pesquisas realizadas no Brasil revelaram que, dentro de um grupo de entrevistados, 76% enxergam a morte como um tabu e 74% afirmam não falar sobre em seu dia a dia.1 A segunda parte da observação geral estipulada traça que a conservação de outras vidas que não a humana não traz o interesse geral social, de forma que o trabalho traz um enfoque às questões humanas que restam prejudicadas com a falta de cuidado para com o meio ambiente, pelo que se analisa a interferência na saúde pública e mental dos indivíduos através de diversas reportagens e pesquisas científicas (revisão bibliográfica). Trata-se de tema social, ambiental, urbanístico e de saúde pública. A partir de fatos particulares se percebe a intrínseca relação entre a falta de comunicação sobre a morte com a cultura e religião de cada país: no Brasil, aproximadamente 50% da população é católica, 31% evangélica e 10% sem religião.2 Observa-se que o meio mais tradicional utilizado por essas religiões e, consequentemente, pelos brasileiros, é o sepultamento em caixões soterrados em cemitérios, seguido da cremação com conservação das cinzas em urnas, porém, o primeiro é disparadamente mais habitual. Apesar das resoluções do CONAMA e de normas municipais, constata-se que a prática das regulamentações ambientais aos cemitérios ainda não consegue ser bem aplicada, tendo em vista que muito se mantém das estruturas tradicionais, resultando em danos como a poluição do solo e do lençol freático, influenciando na contaminação da água utilizada pelas populações locais e consequente disseminação de doenças, além do aspecto estético e emocional àqueles que visitam seus entes em tais locais. O COVID-19 trouxe o agravamento dos problemas relacionados com os métodos de destinação dos corpos, tendo havido crises no setor funerário, o que permitiu uma abertura para novas maneiras de lidar com os cadáveres, bem como para difundir o tema ao setor público, uma chave para mudanças significativas na sociedade. Dentre as alternativas possíveis, encontra-se a maior difusão da cremação, através da desburocratização para contrabalanceá-la ao sepultamento e da utilização tecnologias de redução de danos como a emissão de CO2, além do uso de cemitérios verticais, ambas ótimas opções ponderando os impactos ambientais, a falta de espaço físico e os aspectos econômicos. Ademais, são analisadas outras possibilidades, como o uso de urnas biodegradáveis que podem ser transformadas em árvores, sendo ideias perfeitamente compatíveis com a ideologia do ciclo da vida e de sua preservação sustentável. Entretanto, apesar de já utilizadas em alguns locais, ainda se encontram em estágios iniciais de aceitação e implementação.
The way in which the body is destined for the end of human life is a controversial issue as it requires an open dialogue about death, a topic that is much censored in Brazilian society, even though it is experienced a lot. Based on the inductive scientific method, the general observation stipulated is that the lack of openness on the subject results in ignorance about the impacts caused by the way the body is treated. Surveys conducted in Brazil revealed that, within a group of respondents, 76% see death as a taboo and 74% say they do not talk about it in their daily lives. 3 The second part of the stipulated general observation outlines that the conservation of lives other than human lives does not bring the general social interest, so that the work focuses on human issues that are harmed by the lack of care for the environment, therefore, the interference in the public and mental health of individuals is analyzed through several reports and scientific researches (literature review). It is a social, environmental, urban and public health issue. From particular facts, the intrinsic relationship between the lack of communication about death and the culture and religion of each country can be perceived: in Brazil, approximately 50% of the population is Catholic, 31% Evangelical and 10% without religion.4 It is observed that the most traditional means used by these religions and, consequently, by Brazilians, is burial in coffins buried in cemeteries, followed by cremation with conservation of ashes in urns, however, the first is far more usual. Despite CONAMA resolutions and municipal norms, it appears that the practice of environmental regulations for cemeteries is still not well applied, considering that much remains of traditional structures, resulting in damage such as soil and groundwater pollution, influencing the contamination of water used by local populations and the consequent spread of diseases, in addition to the aesthetic and emotional aspect of those who visit their customers in such places. COVID-19 brought the aggravation of problems related to the methods of disposal of bodies, with crises in the funeral sector, which allowed an opening for new ways of dealing with corpses, as well as to spread the issue to the public sector, a key to significant changes in society. Among the possible alternatives, there is the greater dissemination of cremation, through reducing bureaucracy to counteract burial and using technologies to reduce damage such as CO2 emissions, and the use of vertical cemeteries, both excellent options considering environmental impacts, lack of physical space and economic aspects. Furthermore, other possibilities are analyzed, such as the use of biodegradable urns that can be transformed into trees, which are ideas that are perfectly compatible with the ideology of the life cycle and its sustainable preservation. However, despite being used in some places, they are still in the initial stages of acceptance and implementation.
The way in which the body is destined for the end of human life is a controversial issue as it requires an open dialogue about death, a topic that is much censored in Brazilian society, even though it is experienced a lot. Based on the inductive scientific method, the general observation stipulated is that the lack of openness on the subject results in ignorance about the impacts caused by the way the body is treated. Surveys conducted in Brazil revealed that, within a group of respondents, 76% see death as a taboo and 74% say they do not talk about it in their daily lives. 3 The second part of the stipulated general observation outlines that the conservation of lives other than human lives does not bring the general social interest, so that the work focuses on human issues that are harmed by the lack of care for the environment, therefore, the interference in the public and mental health of individuals is analyzed through several reports and scientific researches (literature review). It is a social, environmental, urban and public health issue. From particular facts, the intrinsic relationship between the lack of communication about death and the culture and religion of each country can be perceived: in Brazil, approximately 50% of the population is Catholic, 31% Evangelical and 10% without religion.4 It is observed that the most traditional means used by these religions and, consequently, by Brazilians, is burial in coffins buried in cemeteries, followed by cremation with conservation of ashes in urns, however, the first is far more usual. Despite CONAMA resolutions and municipal norms, it appears that the practice of environmental regulations for cemeteries is still not well applied, considering that much remains of traditional structures, resulting in damage such as soil and groundwater pollution, influencing the contamination of water used by local populations and the consequent spread of diseases, in addition to the aesthetic and emotional aspect of those who visit their customers in such places. COVID-19 brought the aggravation of problems related to the methods of disposal of bodies, with crises in the funeral sector, which allowed an opening for new ways of dealing with corpses, as well as to spread the issue to the public sector, a key to significant changes in society. Among the possible alternatives, there is the greater dissemination of cremation, through reducing bureaucracy to counteract burial and using technologies to reduce damage such as CO2 emissions, and the use of vertical cemeteries, both excellent options considering environmental impacts, lack of physical space and economic aspects. Furthermore, other possibilities are analyzed, such as the use of biodegradable urns that can be transformed into trees, which are ideas that are perfectly compatible with the ideology of the life cycle and its sustainable preservation. However, despite being used in some places, they are still in the initial stages of acceptance and implementation.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC pela banca examinadora
meio ambiente , sepultamento , cremação , danos ambientais , environment , burial , cremation , environmental damage