Os reflexos da pandemia nos processos de adoção no Brasil
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Costa, Gabriella de Souza
Theophilo Neto, Nuncio
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O presente artigo é requisito obrigatório para obtenção do título de Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Pretende analisar as mudanças trazidas pela pandemia do COVID-19 ao judiciário brasileiro, sobretudo no que concerne à adoção. Nesse sentido, após apresentadas quais as transformações sofridas pela instituição, foram estudados os desafios para adequar os processos de adoção e de acolhimento à modalidade virtual, considerando as dificuldades oriundas do isolamento social e as particularidades desta área. Ao fim, as transformações foram brevemente avaliadas a partir do atendimento aos direitos da criança e do adolescente, visando ponderar sobre a suficiência de tais medidas. A metodologia do artigo se deu através de pesquisas observativas em notícias e relatórios atualizados sobre o avanço pandêmico no país e os dados sobre adoção.
This article is a mandatory requirement for obtaining a Bachelor of Law degree from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. It intends to analyze the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic to the Brazilian judiciary, especially with regard to adoption. In this sense, after presenting the transformations undergone by the institution, the challenges to adapt the adoption and reception processes to the virtual modality were studied, considering the difficulties arising from social isolation and the particularities of this area. Finally, the transformations were briefly evaluated based on the fulfillment of the rights of children and adolescents, with a view to considering the adequacy of such measures. The article's methodology was based on observational research in news and updated reports on the pandemic advance in the country and data on adoption.
This article is a mandatory requirement for obtaining a Bachelor of Law degree from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. It intends to analyze the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic to the Brazilian judiciary, especially with regard to adoption. In this sense, after presenting the transformations undergone by the institution, the challenges to adapt the adoption and reception processes to the virtual modality were studied, considering the difficulties arising from social isolation and the particularities of this area. Finally, the transformations were briefly evaluated based on the fulfillment of the rights of children and adolescents, with a view to considering the adequacy of such measures. The article's methodology was based on observational research in news and updated reports on the pandemic advance in the country and data on adoption.
adoção , pandemia , audiência , virtual , adoption , pandemic , audience , technology