Maternidade instável: uma análise das condições de gestantes e mães no sistema carcerário feminino
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Cavariani, Betina Ruvieri
Garcia, Laura Junqueira Bento Gonçalves
Garcia, Laura Junqueira Bento Gonçalves
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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O presente estudo descreve, por meio de análise legislativa e referenciais teóricos, a realidade de mães encarceradas em penitenciárias femininas brasileiras. Segundo informações publicadas pelo DEPEN em 20181 foi possível confirmar a precariedade da situação das 536 gestantes e 350 lactantes enclausuradas, uma vez que apenas 16% das unidades femininas possuem celas especializadas para gestantes, 14% contam com berçário e/ou centro de referência materno-infantil e somente 3% das unidades apresentam creches destinadas a receber crianças acima de dois anos. Partiu-se da hipótese de que não há eficácia de políticas públicas que regulamentem a vulnerabilidade da maternidade em meio a condições insalubres, impossibilitando a garantia dos direitos fundamentais, tanto das mães, quanto das crianças que são atingidas. O objetivo da pesquisa foi averiguar a negligência estatal sobre as diversas violações, identificando o confronto dos dispositivos legais e a realidade da situação maternal carcerária feminina, levando em conta o atendimento das suas particularidades. Para tanto, foram conceituados temas relevantes a partir de teorias institucionalizadas e fundamentos que explicam a contínua e dupla punição das mães e puérperas no Brasil, também foram coletados dados referentes ao problema com o intuito de apresentá-los e envolver a sociedade civil. Constatou-se profanidade do país em assumir responsabilidade nos cumprimentos das medidas internacionais, além da tendência ao encarceramento em massa devido à rígida aplicação da Lei Anti-Drogas. À vista do observado notou-se a necessidade de reconsiderar as atuais condições dada às reclusas e suas famílias.
This study describes, through legislative analysis and theoretical references, the reality of mothers incarcerated in Brazilian female prisons. According to information published by DEPEN in 2018, it was possible to confirm the precariousness of the situation of 536 pregnant women and 350 lactating women, since only 16% of the female units have specialized cells for pregnant women, 14% have a nursery or maternal-infant reference center and only 3% of the units have day care centers to receive children older than two years. It was based on the hypothesis that there is no effectiveness of public policies that regulate the vulnerability of motherhood in the midst of unhealthy conditions, what makes impossible to guarantee the fundamental rights to both mothers and children who are affected. The objective of the research was to investigate the state negligence, identifying the confrontation of legal devices and the reality of the female prison maternal situation, taking into account the care of their particularities. To do it, relevant themes were conceptualized based on institutionalized theories and foundations that explain the continuous and double punishment of mothers and postpartum women in Brazil, data that address the problem were also collected in order to present and involve civil society. The country was considered irresponsible by refusing to comply with international agreements in addition to the tendency of mass imprisonment due to the strict application of the Anti-Drogas Law. From that, it was noted the need to reconsider the current conditions given to inmates and their families.
This study describes, through legislative analysis and theoretical references, the reality of mothers incarcerated in Brazilian female prisons. According to information published by DEPEN in 2018, it was possible to confirm the precariousness of the situation of 536 pregnant women and 350 lactating women, since only 16% of the female units have specialized cells for pregnant women, 14% have a nursery or maternal-infant reference center and only 3% of the units have day care centers to receive children older than two years. It was based on the hypothesis that there is no effectiveness of public policies that regulate the vulnerability of motherhood in the midst of unhealthy conditions, what makes impossible to guarantee the fundamental rights to both mothers and children who are affected. The objective of the research was to investigate the state negligence, identifying the confrontation of legal devices and the reality of the female prison maternal situation, taking into account the care of their particularities. To do it, relevant themes were conceptualized based on institutionalized theories and foundations that explain the continuous and double punishment of mothers and postpartum women in Brazil, data that address the problem were also collected in order to present and involve civil society. The country was considered irresponsible by refusing to comply with international agreements in addition to the tendency of mass imprisonment due to the strict application of the Anti-Drogas Law. From that, it was noted the need to reconsider the current conditions given to inmates and their families.
maternidade , direitos fundamentais , condições , encarceramento , maternity , fundamental rights , conditions , imprisonment