Relatório da reportagem transmídia: a violência sexual contra mulheres no contexto universitário
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Sanches, Giovana Faillace Moreira
Paiero, Denise
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Este relatório descreve o processo de produção de uma narrativa transmídia que
discute a violência sexual contra mulheres nas universidades como mais uma
forma de dominação patriarcal. A necessidade de falar sobre esse assunto veio
da falta de abordagens midiáticas sobre o tema e de dados levantados sobre ele.
O foco principal da narrativa foram os relatos de mulheres que foram violentadas
em algum contexto que envolvia a universidade, o que humanizou o tema. Além
disso foram utilizados dados sobre a violência sexual no Brasil no geral e dados
mais específicos sobre essas violências em faculdades brasileiras. Para realizar
o produto foi necessário estudar sobre a violência contra mulher e a dominação
dos corpos femininos, assim como estudar sobre o formato de jornalismo online.
Com esses estudos foram realizadas as entrevistas com personagens e
especialistas e o site foi construído. O ambiente online é interativo e contém tanto
a reportagem em si separada em quatro capítulos quanto vídeos de relatos e
dados para consulta. Nesse relatório consta como foi a busca por fontes, as
entrevistas, a construção da narrativa e dos produtos audiovisuais.
This article characterizes the confection of a Crossmedia narrative which deliberates about sexual violence against women in the university environment as a mean of patriarchal domination. The matter of presenting this subject is related to it’s lack of media visibility and the relevant data collected about the topic. Therefore, the narrative focus on reports by women victims of violence in university context, bringing a human aspect to the research. Furthermore, the product is based on data about sexual violence in Brazil and also data about how this violence occurs specifically in Brazilian universities. In order to create the crossmedia storytelling a study about the violence against women was made, as also related to the domination of the women's body and the online journalistic environment. Based on this data and studies, the interviews with the characters and experts were made and the website was built. The online environment is interactive and contains the news report divided into four chapters as well as videos of reports and data for reference. This article shows the means of searching for sources, interviews, construction of the narrative and audiovisual products.
This article characterizes the confection of a Crossmedia narrative which deliberates about sexual violence against women in the university environment as a mean of patriarchal domination. The matter of presenting this subject is related to it’s lack of media visibility and the relevant data collected about the topic. Therefore, the narrative focus on reports by women victims of violence in university context, bringing a human aspect to the research. Furthermore, the product is based on data about sexual violence in Brazil and also data about how this violence occurs specifically in Brazilian universities. In order to create the crossmedia storytelling a study about the violence against women was made, as also related to the domination of the women's body and the online journalistic environment. Based on this data and studies, the interviews with the characters and experts were made and the website was built. The online environment is interactive and contains the news report divided into four chapters as well as videos of reports and data for reference. This article shows the means of searching for sources, interviews, construction of the narrative and audiovisual products.
Acesso online;
violência sexual contra mulheres , violência na universidade , jornalismo online , narrativa transmídia , sexual violence against women , violence at the university environment , online journalism , crossmedia narrative