A emoção vencendo a razão: o debate entre fake news e a verdade no processo eleitoral
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Pereira, Isabella Figueiredo Jardim
Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
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Diante do surgimento da era digital houve um desenvolvimento de um novo ambiente para todo tipo de debate, que, em sua maioria, ocorre nas redes sociais. Com a velocidade e facilidade para diversos tipos de discussões, não demorou muito para que ocorressem os debates políticos nesse mesmo cenário. Todavia, com esse fenômeno da era digital surgiram as chamadas fake news, que são informações aparentemente verdadeiras, mas que são falsas e enganosas e que se propagam pelas redes de maneira imensurável. Nesse sentido, as consequências da circulação dessas informações enganosas são sempre negativas e tendem a gerar convicção às pessoas sobre um assunto que não está relacionado com a veracidade dos fatos, mas sim com seu juízo interno de valores e opiniões. Por essa razão, fake news, principalmente no processo eleitoral, geram uma deslegitimação do debate político, estando intimamente ligada com o julgamento íntimo do ser humano sobre um político ou partido do que o interesse em saber os fatos sobre determinado acontecimento. Por essa razão, propõe-se aqui uma pesquisa acerca das fake news ligada à emoção daqueles que a recebem e suas consequências dentro do processo eleitoral.
Faced with the emergence of the digital age, there was a development of a new environment for all kinds of debates, which mostly occur on social networks. With the speed and ease for various types of discussions, it was not long before political debates took place in the same scenario. However, with this phenomenon of the digital age came the so-called fake news, which is apparently true information, but which are false and misleading and which are propagated through networks in an immeasurable way. In this sense, the consequences of the circulation of this misleading information are always negative and tend to generate people's conviction on a subject that is not related to the truth of the facts, but to their internal judgment of values and opinions. For this reason, fake news, especially in the electoral process, generates a delegitimization of the political debate, being closely linked with the intimate judgment of the human being about a politician or party than the interest in knowing the facts about a given event. For this reason, a research about fake news linked to the emotion of those who receive it and its consequences within the electoral process is proposed.
Faced with the emergence of the digital age, there was a development of a new environment for all kinds of debates, which mostly occur on social networks. With the speed and ease for various types of discussions, it was not long before political debates took place in the same scenario. However, with this phenomenon of the digital age came the so-called fake news, which is apparently true information, but which are false and misleading and which are propagated through networks in an immeasurable way. In this sense, the consequences of the circulation of this misleading information are always negative and tend to generate people's conviction on a subject that is not related to the truth of the facts, but to their internal judgment of values and opinions. For this reason, fake news, especially in the electoral process, generates a delegitimization of the political debate, being closely linked with the intimate judgment of the human being about a politician or party than the interest in knowing the facts about a given event. For this reason, a research about fake news linked to the emotion of those who receive it and its consequences within the electoral process is proposed.
fake news , emoção , debate , razão , verdade , emotion , reason , truth