Imposto de renda pessoa física incidente sobre a venda de ações na bolsa de valores: uma análise econômico-tributária sobre a isenção prevista no artigo 3º, inciso I, da lei nº 11.033, de 21 de dezembro de 2004
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Graça, Vinícius Oliveira
Pasin, João Bosco Coelho
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Membros da banca
Tendo em vista o momento crescente da Bolsa de Valores brasileira, realiza-se uma análise
sobre a isenção do imposto de renda na venda de ações por pessoas físicas na Bolsa de Valores
prevista no art. 3º, inciso I, da Lei nº 11.033, de 21 de dezembro de 2004, a fim de efetivar uma
proposta de majoração de tal isenção. Para tanto, estuda-se o histórico do Imposto de Renda e
seu desenvolvimento, examinam-se os princípios a ele concernentes, além da conceituação de
imunidades e isenções tributárias, com a finalidade de verificar se a revogação de uma isenção
deve ou não respeitar o princípio da anterioridade, e, por fim desenvolve-se uma introdução ao
mercado financeiro, sob o prisma do atual cenário econômico brasileiro, que, por sua vez,
também é analisado. Diante disso, verifica-se que o momento atual da economia brasileira é
propício, somado à falta de atualização da lei e diversos fatores econômicos que impactariam
positivamente o mercado acionário brasileiro e a economia, o que direciona à constatação de
que há necessidade de majoração da isenção prevista no art. 3º, inciso I, da referida Lei.
In view of the growing importance of the Brazilian Stock Exchange, an analysis of the income tax exemption on the sale of shares by individuals on the Stock Exchange provided for in article 3, item I of Law No. 11033 of December 21, 2004 is being carried out in order to make a proposal for an increase in such exemption. For such purpose, the history of the Income Tax and its development are studied, the principles related to it are examined, in addition to the concept of immunities and tax exemptions, with the purpose of verifying whether or not the revocation of an exemption should respect the principle of anteriority, and, finally, an introduction to the financial market is developed, under the perspective of the current Brazilian economic scenario, which, in turn, is also analyzed. In view of this, it can be seen that the current moment of the Brazilian economy is propitious, in addition to the lack of updating of the law and various economic factors that would have a positive impact on the Brazilian stock market and the economy, which leads to the finding that there is a need to increase the exemption provided for in article 3, item I of said law.
In view of the growing importance of the Brazilian Stock Exchange, an analysis of the income tax exemption on the sale of shares by individuals on the Stock Exchange provided for in article 3, item I of Law No. 11033 of December 21, 2004 is being carried out in order to make a proposal for an increase in such exemption. For such purpose, the history of the Income Tax and its development are studied, the principles related to it are examined, in addition to the concept of immunities and tax exemptions, with the purpose of verifying whether or not the revocation of an exemption should respect the principle of anteriority, and, finally, an introduction to the financial market is developed, under the perspective of the current Brazilian economic scenario, which, in turn, is also analyzed. In view of this, it can be seen that the current moment of the Brazilian economy is propitious, in addition to the lack of updating of the law and various economic factors that would have a positive impact on the Brazilian stock market and the economy, which leads to the finding that there is a need to increase the exemption provided for in article 3, item I of said law.
imposto de renda , economia , mercado financeiro , income tax , economy , financial market