O sistema adotivo brasileiro: causas legais e sociais da morosidade no processo de adoção e seus efeitos
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Mermerian, Isabella Tedesco
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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O presente trabalho trata do instituto da adoção, voltado para a problemática da
adoção tardia, abordando suas atribuições, tais como a origem e evolução histórica,
os princípios que devem ser assegurados para que se dê de forma efetiva e os
procedimentos legais a serem seguidos no processo. Além disso, o trabalho apresenta
os dados oficiais que demonstram o número de crianças e adolescentes que se
encontram em centros de acolhimento esperando pela adoção e suas características,
em relação ao número de pretendentes a adotar e o padrão do perfil pelo qual
procuram. Diante disso, foram abordados fatores que tardam no processo de adoção
no Brasil, dentre eles, a busca por um perfil idealizado de filho, que pode contribuir
com a morosidade judicial. Por fim, o presente artigo científico apresenta os efeitos
jurídicos da adoção tardia, de modo que se revelam os mesmos efeitos da adoção
convencional. Além disso, foram demonstrados os efeitos psicossociais da adoção
The present paper deals with the institute of adoption, focusing on the problem of late adoption, addressing its attributes, such as its origin and historical evolution, the principles that must be ensured in order for it to occur effectively and the legal procedures to be followed in the process. Moreover, the work presents the official data that show the number of children and teenagers who are in foster care centers waiting for adoption and their characteristics, in relation to the number of intending adopters and the standard of the profile they seek. Therefore, the several factors that delay the adoption process in Brazil were addressed, among them, the search for an idealized profile of a child, as a cause for the judicial delay. Finally, this scientific paper presents the legal effects of late adoption, in such a way that the same effects of conventional adoption are revealed. Moreover, the psychosocial effects of late adoption.
The present paper deals with the institute of adoption, focusing on the problem of late adoption, addressing its attributes, such as its origin and historical evolution, the principles that must be ensured in order for it to occur effectively and the legal procedures to be followed in the process. Moreover, the work presents the official data that show the number of children and teenagers who are in foster care centers waiting for adoption and their characteristics, in relation to the number of intending adopters and the standard of the profile they seek. Therefore, the several factors that delay the adoption process in Brazil were addressed, among them, the search for an idealized profile of a child, as a cause for the judicial delay. Finally, this scientific paper presents the legal effects of late adoption, in such a way that the same effects of conventional adoption are revealed. Moreover, the psychosocial effects of late adoption.
adoção tardia , criança e adolescente , perfil desejado , morosidade judicial , late adoption , child and adolescent law , desired profile , judicial delays