Investimento no capital humano como vantagem competitiva
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Nicoletti, Adriana
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Aborda-se a evolução histórica da educação e educação corporativa, para melhor compreensão do modelo atual. Relata-se a evolução dos modelos de administração e a atual dinâmica nas organizações modernas. Apresenta-se um debate referente aos ativos intangíveis e seu ganho de destaque em relação aos tradicionais ativos tangíveis. Verifica-se a crescente importância para as organizações da inovação no mundo globalizado, de forma a garantir o alcance a novos mercados e a perpetuação nos já conquistados. Discute-se a forma como as empresas aprendem, e como esse aprendizado pode ser utilizado de forma a desenvolver uma cultura organizacional que atenda às estratégias do negócio. Dialoga sobre a forma como as organizações realizam a gestão de conhecimento. Analisa-se a importância do uso de novas tecnologias para o desenvolvimento de organizações comprometidas com o desenvolvimento de seus colaboradores. Faz-se considerações sobre a importância das lideranças para a criação de organizações pensantes e que estão voltadas para a inovação e conhecimento. Expõem-se cases de sucesso na implantação de sistemas de educação na corporação. Utiliza-se como bibliografia autores especialistas no tema entre os quais Jeanne C Meister, Marisa Eboli e Maria Tereza Leme Fleury.
It is approached the historical evolution of education and corporative education, in order to better comprehend the current model. It is reported the evolution of the management models and the current dynamic in the modern companies. It is presented a debate on the intangible assets and on its advantage over the traditionally tangible assets. It is verified the growing importance of innovation, to companies, in the globalized world, as to guarantee the access to new markets as well as the perpetrating of the already conquered ones. It is deliberated how companies learn, and how this learning might be applied in order to develop organizational culture that ensure the strategies of business. It is conferred on how companies do knowledge management. It is analyzed the importance of the usage of new technologies to the development of companies compromised with the development of its collaborators. It is pondered the importance in leaderships to the creation of thinking organizations, focused on innovation and knowledge. It is disclosed cases of success on the employment of education systems on companies. It is used as reference authors specialized on the them, such as Jeanne C. Meister, Marisa Eboli and Maria Tereza Leme Fleury.
It is approached the historical evolution of education and corporative education, in order to better comprehend the current model. It is reported the evolution of the management models and the current dynamic in the modern companies. It is presented a debate on the intangible assets and on its advantage over the traditionally tangible assets. It is verified the growing importance of innovation, to companies, in the globalized world, as to guarantee the access to new markets as well as the perpetrating of the already conquered ones. It is deliberated how companies learn, and how this learning might be applied in order to develop organizational culture that ensure the strategies of business. It is conferred on how companies do knowledge management. It is analyzed the importance of the usage of new technologies to the development of companies compromised with the development of its collaborators. It is pondered the importance in leaderships to the creation of thinking organizations, focused on innovation and knowledge. It is disclosed cases of success on the employment of education systems on companies. It is used as reference authors specialized on the them, such as Jeanne C. Meister, Marisa Eboli and Maria Tereza Leme Fleury.
Gestão de projetos , Educação corporativa , Gestão do conhecimento