Quanto custa o look? uma análise dos impactos da fast-fashion na sociedade do consumo baumaniana e a tutela do direito
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Graça, Letícia Moreira
Benedito, Alessandra
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo compreender a funcionabilidade e o êxito do
modo de produção da fast-fashion dentro da sociedade capitalista e consumidora do século XXI.
Secundariamente, o trabalho objetiva denunciar as práticas abusivas da produção fast-fashion
em relação à exploração da mão de obra e a degradação do meio ambiente e, por fim, verificarse-
á a tutela e a proteção do direito, interno e internacionais, em tal escopo. Para tal, será feita
uma breve análise histórica da evolução da moda, a partir do fim da Idade Média até o século
XXI, para compreender como se deu o nascimento e desenvolvimento da fast-fashion.
Posteriormente, as características da fast-fashion serão analisadas e o seu êxito é relacionado e
justificado a partir da análise das obras de Zygmunt Bauman e Jean Baudrillard. Por fim, após
compreender que a mão de obra análoga à escravidão e a destruição do meio-ambiente são
elementos intrínsecos à funcionabilidade da fast-fashion, a tutela do direito internacional e
nacional são apresentadas, assim como possíveis medidas para reverter os danos causados pelas
indústria têxtil.
The current article has as objective understand the functionality and the success of the fast-fashion way of production within the capitalistic and consumer society of the 21st century. Secondly, the writing has as goal to denounce the abusive practices of prodution of fast-fashion in relation to labor exploitation and the environment degradation and, finally, the Law protection is going to be annalysed, national and internationally. For these, it will be done a brief historical analysis about the fashion evolution, from the end of the Medieval age until the 21 century, to understand how the birth and development of fast-fashion has happened. Subsequently, the fast-fashion characteristics will be analysed and its success is related and justified by the analysis of Zygmunt Bauman and Jean Baudrillard writings. Lastly, after having understood that the labor exploitation and the destruction of the evironment are deep-rooted elements to the functioning of fast-fashion, the national and international Law protection are presented, as well as the possible measures to revert the possible damages caused by the textile industry.
The current article has as objective understand the functionality and the success of the fast-fashion way of production within the capitalistic and consumer society of the 21st century. Secondly, the writing has as goal to denounce the abusive practices of prodution of fast-fashion in relation to labor exploitation and the environment degradation and, finally, the Law protection is going to be annalysed, national and internationally. For these, it will be done a brief historical analysis about the fashion evolution, from the end of the Medieval age until the 21 century, to understand how the birth and development of fast-fashion has happened. Subsequently, the fast-fashion characteristics will be analysed and its success is related and justified by the analysis of Zygmunt Bauman and Jean Baudrillard writings. Lastly, after having understood that the labor exploitation and the destruction of the evironment are deep-rooted elements to the functioning of fast-fashion, the national and international Law protection are presented, as well as the possible measures to revert the possible damages caused by the textile industry.
Trabalho indicado para publicação pela banca examinadora
moda , fast-fashion , direitos humanos , fashion , human rights