Prisão preventiva e a razoável duração do processo: uma análise acerca da aplicabilidade do art. 316, parágrafo único do código de processo penal
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Paula, Caroline Peruzeto de
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo abordar a prisão preventiva, que não possui prazo
expresso no sistema jurídico brasileiro, sob a ótica do princípio da razoável duração do
processo, focando-se na análise do parágrafo único do art. 316 inserido pela Lei 13.964/19
(Pacote Anticrime) ao Código de Processo Penal, que estipulou a necessidade de revisão
periódica e fundamentada da manutenção da prisão preventiva, sendo essencial para a garantia
dos direitos fundamentais do acusado. Através de análise doutrinária e jurisprudencial, o
trabalho procura entender a aplicação efetiva de tal dispositivo que serve como bússola para a
definição de excesso de prazo na prisão preventiva. Assim, o estudo defende a necessidade de
aplicação rigorosa da norma legal a fim de que o direito constitucional da razoável duração do
processo seja resguardado.
The present research aims to address preventive detention, which does not have an express duration to end in the Brazilian legal system, from the perspective of the principle of the reasonable duration of the process, focusing on the analysis of the sole paragraph of art. 316 inserted by Law 13.964/19 (Pacote Anticrime) to the Código de Processo Penal, which stipulated the need for periodic and well-founded review of the maintenance of preventive detention, being essential to guarantee the fundamental rights of the accused. Through doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis, the work seeks to understand the effective application of such a device, which serves as a compass for defining excessive pre-trial detention. Thus, the study defends the need for strict application of the legal norm so that the constitutional right to a reasonable duration of the process is protected.
The present research aims to address preventive detention, which does not have an express duration to end in the Brazilian legal system, from the perspective of the principle of the reasonable duration of the process, focusing on the analysis of the sole paragraph of art. 316 inserted by Law 13.964/19 (Pacote Anticrime) to the Código de Processo Penal, which stipulated the need for periodic and well-founded review of the maintenance of preventive detention, being essential to guarantee the fundamental rights of the accused. Through doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis, the work seeks to understand the effective application of such a device, which serves as a compass for defining excessive pre-trial detention. Thus, the study defends the need for strict application of the legal norm so that the constitutional right to a reasonable duration of the process is protected.
direito processual penal , prisão preventiva , prazo , revisão periódica , criminal procedural law , preventive detention , term , periodic review