A infiltração virtual de agentes policiais em crimes contra a dignidade sexual previstos no ECA: uma análise da legalidade sob a ótica do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
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Andrade, Flávio Teixeira de
Silva, Ivan Luís Marques da
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Diante do aumento dos crimes virtuais praticados contra a dignidade sexual da criança e do
adolescente, surgiram novas ferramentas especiais de investigação, entre elas a infiltração
virtual. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro a fim
de demonstrar o amparo legal da atividade de infiltração virtual de agentes nos crimes contra a
dignidade sexual previstos no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Para tanto, analisou-se,
por meio de estudo bibliográfico, a ferramenta da infiltração virtual de agentes, prevista na Lei
n.º 13.441/2017, no que diz respeito a sua legalidade perante o ordenamento jurídico pátrio, aos
requisitos para infiltração, aos legitimados para essa ação, às responsabilidades criminais dos
agentes infiltrados, bem como à validade e ao valor das provas obtidas por meio da infiltração
virtual. Por meio dessa análise, foi possível concluir que a infiltração virtual de agentes é uma
medida legal, considerada atividade de polícia, ou seja, pode ser realizada somente pela polícia
judiciária. Além disso, os agentes de polícia infiltrados são isentos de culpa devido à
inexigibilidade de conduta diversa, contudo poderão responder por eventuais excessos. Sendo
assim, a infiltração virtual de agentes é aceita como meio de obtenção de prova, e as provas
colhidas durante a infiltração serão aceitas no processo judicial, podendo resultar na
condenação criminal do réu.
In the face of the rise of virtual crimes against child and adolescent sexual dignity, new investigation tools were created, among which is the virtual infiltration. The aim of this research was to analyze the Brazilian legal framework in order to demonstrate the legal support of the virtual infiltration carried out by police officers regarding crimes against sexual dignity stated in the Child and Adolescent Statute. Thus, through a bibliographic research, officers’ virtual infiltration, stated in the Law n. 13.441/2017, was analyzed considering its legality according to the national legal framework, its requirements, the allowed individuals for doing this, the criminal responsibilities of the infiltrated officers, as well as the validity and value of the proofs obtained through virtual infiltration. In this analysis, it was possible to conclude that officers’ virtual infiltration is a legal measure, considered a police activity, that is, it can only be carried out by the judiciary police. Besides, infiltrated police officers are exempt from liability due to the unenforceability of diverse conduct, but they may respond for eventual excesses. Hence, the virtual infiltration is accepted as means of proof, so that proofs obtained during virtual infiltration will be accepted in the judicial process and may result in the offender’s criminal conviction.
In the face of the rise of virtual crimes against child and adolescent sexual dignity, new investigation tools were created, among which is the virtual infiltration. The aim of this research was to analyze the Brazilian legal framework in order to demonstrate the legal support of the virtual infiltration carried out by police officers regarding crimes against sexual dignity stated in the Child and Adolescent Statute. Thus, through a bibliographic research, officers’ virtual infiltration, stated in the Law n. 13.441/2017, was analyzed considering its legality according to the national legal framework, its requirements, the allowed individuals for doing this, the criminal responsibilities of the infiltrated officers, as well as the validity and value of the proofs obtained through virtual infiltration. In this analysis, it was possible to conclude that officers’ virtual infiltration is a legal measure, considered a police activity, that is, it can only be carried out by the judiciary police. Besides, infiltrated police officers are exempt from liability due to the unenforceability of diverse conduct, but they may respond for eventual excesses. Hence, the virtual infiltration is accepted as means of proof, so that proofs obtained during virtual infiltration will be accepted in the judicial process and may result in the offender’s criminal conviction.
infiltração virtual de agentes , lei n.º 13.441/2017 , crimes contra a dignidade sexual , estatuto da criança e do adolescente , officer’s virtual infiltration , law n. 13.441/2017 , crimes against sexual dignity , child and adolescent statute