A síndrome da alienação parental sob a perspectiva do direito e suas consequências psicológicas
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Pavanelli, Letícia de Oliveira
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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A temática da alienação parental, diante de nossa legislação e sociedade, demonstra cada vez mais a importância da família, visto o seu papel socializador e a sua influência perante a educação, moral e bons costumes. Nesse sentido, será feita uma abordagem perante a necessidade de analisar a responsabilidade civil brasileira, visando as mudanças sociais, a dignidade da pessoa humana, os reflexos dessa problematização, entre outros. Portanto, o presente trabalho verificará o combate a tal abuso de moralidade à criança e adolescente, analisando que os danos causados poderão se tornar irreversíveis se não tratados com urgência e seriedade.
The theme of parental alienation, within our legislation and society, demonstrates the increasing importance of the family, given its role in socialization and its influence on education, morals, and good customs. In this sense, an approach will be made towards the need to analyze Brazilian civil liability, aiming at social changes, human dignity, the impact of this problem, among others. Therefore, the present work will verify the fight against such abuse of morality towards children and adolescents, analyzing that the damage caused may become irreversible if not treated urgently and seriously.
The theme of parental alienation, within our legislation and society, demonstrates the increasing importance of the family, given its role in socialization and its influence on education, morals, and good customs. In this sense, an approach will be made towards the need to analyze Brazilian civil liability, aiming at social changes, human dignity, the impact of this problem, among others. Therefore, the present work will verify the fight against such abuse of morality towards children and adolescents, analyzing that the damage caused may become irreversible if not treated urgently and seriously.
alienação parental , responsabilidade civil , família , parental alienation , civil liability , family