Direito ao esquecimento: uma análise sobre a tese de repercussão geral 786 do Supremo Tribunal Federal e suas implicações
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Ferreira, Beatriz Faissola Criez Nóbrega
Marinho, Maria Edelvacy Pinto
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O direito ao esquecimento pode ser entendido como a faculdade de um indivíduo – proprietário de informações e fatos pessoais – solicitar que estes sejam eliminados, removidos ou restringidos ao longo do tempo, geralmente quando expostos de maneira humilhante ou vexatória, a fim de proteger seus direitos fundamentais. A ideia da existência de um direito ao esquecimento é baseada principalmente na convicção de que pessoas, seja como autor, vítima ou familiar (da vítima), não devem ser perpetuamente afetadas pelos erros cometidos ou pelas situações pelas quais vivenciaram no passado, preservando assim a privacidade e honra dos indivíduos. Para a conceituação do direito ao esquecimento e análise de seus critérios de aplicação foram examinados os direitos fundamentais envolvidos na discussão do tema - bem como o conflito entre eles – além da construção jurisprudencial do instituto jurídico no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, tomando como base o leading case conhecido como Caso Aída Curi. O presente artigo propõe analisar o julgamento do caso no Supremo Tribunal Federal, que resultou na tese de Repercussão Geral 786 e quais são suas implicações para a jurisprudência do Brasil acerca do direito ao esquecimento.
The right to be forgotten can be understood as the faculty of an individual - owner of personal information and facts - to request that these be deleted, removed or restricted over time, generally when exposed in a humiliating or vexatious way, in order to protect his fundamental rights. The idea of the existence of a right to be forgotten is based primarily on the conviction that people, whether as perpetrator, victim, or the family's victim, should not be perpetually affected by the mistakes they have made or the situations they have experienced in the past, thus preserving the privacy and honor of individuals. For the conceptualization of the right to be forgotten and the analysis of its application criteria, the fundamental rights involved in the discussion of the theme - as well as the conflict between them - were examined, in addition to the jurisprudential construction of the legal institute in the Brazilian legal system, taking as a reference the leading case known as the Aída Curi Case. The present article proposes to analyze the judgment of the case at the Supreme Court, which resulted in the thesis of General Repercussion 786 and what are its implications for the brazilian jurisprudence about the right to be forgotten.
The right to be forgotten can be understood as the faculty of an individual - owner of personal information and facts - to request that these be deleted, removed or restricted over time, generally when exposed in a humiliating or vexatious way, in order to protect his fundamental rights. The idea of the existence of a right to be forgotten is based primarily on the conviction that people, whether as perpetrator, victim, or the family's victim, should not be perpetually affected by the mistakes they have made or the situations they have experienced in the past, thus preserving the privacy and honor of individuals. For the conceptualization of the right to be forgotten and the analysis of its application criteria, the fundamental rights involved in the discussion of the theme - as well as the conflict between them - were examined, in addition to the jurisprudential construction of the legal institute in the Brazilian legal system, taking as a reference the leading case known as the Aída Curi Case. The present article proposes to analyze the judgment of the case at the Supreme Court, which resulted in the thesis of General Repercussion 786 and what are its implications for the brazilian jurisprudence about the right to be forgotten.
direito ao esquecimento , direitos fundamentais , colisão de direitos , tema 786 , right to be forgotten , fundamental rights , collision of rights , topic no. 786