O agravamento da realidade de famílias monoparentais chefiadas por mulheres negras causado pela pandemia de Covid-19
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Gonzaga, Isabelle Melgaço
Benedito, Alessandra
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O presente trabalho acadêmico tem como tema O agravamento da realidade de famílias monoparentais chefiadas por mulheres negras causado pela pandemia de Covid-19. Tem-se como objetivo central demonstrar como a pandemia de Covid-19 contribuiu para escancarar a desigualdade e agravar a situação de famílias que já viviam com marcadores sociais sobrepostos dentro de uma sociedade estruturalmente racista e sexista. Durante a dissertação pretende-se expor o cenário prévio das famílias monoparentais com foco nos sistemas de opressão contra a figura chefe de família desse grupo, para no fim ser demonstrado o que é a pandemia de Covid-19 e como ela afetou a vida dessas pessoas em diferentes aspectos, causando um novo cenário a ser enfrentado.
The present academic work has as its theme the worsening of the reality of single-parent families headed by black women caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The main objective is to demonstrate how the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to widening inequality and aggravating the situation of families that already lived with overlapping social identities in a structurally racist and sexist society. During the essay, it is intended to expose the previous scenario of single-parent families with a focus on the systems of oppression against the head of the family of this group, for at the end demonstrate what the Covid-19 pandemic is and how it affected the lives of these people in different aspects, causing a new scenario to be faced.
The present academic work has as its theme the worsening of the reality of single-parent families headed by black women caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The main objective is to demonstrate how the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to widening inequality and aggravating the situation of families that already lived with overlapping social identities in a structurally racist and sexist society. During the essay, it is intended to expose the previous scenario of single-parent families with a focus on the systems of oppression against the head of the family of this group, for at the end demonstrate what the Covid-19 pandemic is and how it affected the lives of these people in different aspects, causing a new scenario to be faced.
famílias monoparentais negras , desigualdade racial , desigualdade de gênero , pandemia de Covid-19 , black single-parent families , racial inequality , gender inequality , Covid-19 pandemic