Recuperação judicial: uma abordagem sobre as peculiaridades das companhias aéreas
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Silva, Hudson da
Lima, Cinira Gomes
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O presente estudo tem por objetivo evidenciar as peculiaridades pelas quais o manejo dos mecanismos concursais em resposta às situações insolvência empresarial, por parte das sociedades exploradoras de serviços aéreos destoa dos demais agentes econômicos sujeitos ao regime da Lei nº 11.101 de 2005, haja vista tratar-se de um segmento estratégico da economia e infraestrutura do país e, portanto, passível de ser afetado pelos diversos interesses conflitantes e pelos fatores extrínsecos à atividade, bem como, sendo capaz também de afetá-los em larga escala. Todavia, não apenas em virtude desses fatos, deve-se considerar ainda os aspectos legais pertinentes ao caso concreto, na medida em que tanto a Lei prevê disposições específicas a serem observadas no decorrer do procedimento adotado, quanto o próprio setor possui diretrizes que lhe são particulares – das quais cumpre destacar a Convenção da Cidade do Cabo –, sem com isso privilegiar uma abordagem meramente legalista de alguns institutos. Deste modo, torna-se relevante apresentar as principais divergências e contradições jurídicas em torno desses players, como por exemplo, as questões que tocam a essencialidade dos bens de capital e a prevalência dos direitos de propriedade, tendo por enfoque a necessidade de se realizar uma análise de tais complexidades a partir da viabilidade da empresa, a fim de que se sopese de maneira assertiva os bens jurídicos envolvidos, em detrimento da aplicação subjetiva e genérica dos princípios da LREF, ao que se propõe erigir como ponto de partida uma leitura que vise aproximar-se do contexto multifacetado e dinâmico nesses casos.
The propose of this research is to emphasize the peculiarities by which the management of competition mechanisms in response to business insolvency situations by air service operating companies with differ from the other economic agents subject to the Law. 11.101 of 2005, since it deals with a strategic segment of the economy and infrastructure of the country and is therefore likely to be affected by the various conflicting interests and extrinsic factors of activity, as well as being able to affect them on a large scale. However, not only because of these facts, it is also necessary to consider the legal aspects relevant to this specific case, since not only the law provides specific provisions to be observed during the adopted procedure, as the sector itself has guidelines that are particularly applicable - of which the Cape Town Convention should be highlighted - without favoring a legal approach by some institutes. This way, it is relevant to present the main legal divergences and contradictions around these players, as an example, the issues that concern the essentiality of capital goods and the prevalence of property interest, with focus on the need to perform an analysis of such complexities based on the viability of the company, so that way the legal assets involved can be address assertively, besides the damage of the subjective and generic application of the principles included on the LREF, which are proposed to build as the starting point a reading attempt to approach the multifaceted and dynamic context in these cases.
The propose of this research is to emphasize the peculiarities by which the management of competition mechanisms in response to business insolvency situations by air service operating companies with differ from the other economic agents subject to the Law. 11.101 of 2005, since it deals with a strategic segment of the economy and infrastructure of the country and is therefore likely to be affected by the various conflicting interests and extrinsic factors of activity, as well as being able to affect them on a large scale. However, not only because of these facts, it is also necessary to consider the legal aspects relevant to this specific case, since not only the law provides specific provisions to be observed during the adopted procedure, as the sector itself has guidelines that are particularly applicable - of which the Cape Town Convention should be highlighted - without favoring a legal approach by some institutes. This way, it is relevant to present the main legal divergences and contradictions around these players, as an example, the issues that concern the essentiality of capital goods and the prevalence of property interest, with focus on the need to perform an analysis of such complexities based on the viability of the company, so that way the legal assets involved can be address assertively, besides the damage of the subjective and generic application of the principles included on the LREF, which are proposed to build as the starting point a reading attempt to approach the multifaceted and dynamic context in these cases.
recuperação judicial , companhias aéreas , bankruptcy law , airline companies , leasing , convenção da cidade do cabo , arrendamento , cape town convention