Fronteiras do parque do trote
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Fonseca, Rodrigo Barroco Amaral
Breia, Maria Teresa de Stockler e
Soares, Luciano Margotto
Soares, Luciano Margotto
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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a cidade de São Paulo e repensá-la
através da geração de novos núcleos urbanos (centralidades) ligados ao espaço
verde. O recorte foi feito mais especificamente na região nordeste da cidade entre o
aeroporto Campo de Marte e parque Ecológico do Tietê, seguindo o curso do rio Tietê.
Buscou-se compreender este território a partir da geomorfologia, história e dinâmicas
urbanas. Identifica-se alguns problemas da metrópole sob um olhar contemporâneo,
assim como se analisa algumas propostas teóricas para ela. Na possibilidade de
constituição das novas centralidades, utilizou-se a metáfora da ilha e arquipélago,
inspirada na literatura portuguesa de José Saramago, para a formação de um conjunto
de pontos de interesse que possam ampliar o conhecimento de áreas pouco utilizadas
da cidade, visando a expansão das formas de mobilidade ao mesmo tempo que a
diminuição dos longos deslocamentos cotidianos. Deduz-se que São Paulo carece de
planejamentos estratégicos com intervenções pontuais que possam conectar a
cidade, pensada como um sistema, e desta maneira, tornando-se mais densa e
compacta e fornecendo condições de vida dignas aos cidadãos. Esta mesma lógica
de sistema deve permear diversas escalas, portanto, também na dimensão do bairro.
Um deste pontos identificados – localizado na parte central deste recorte – é o parque
do Trote. Analisa-se sua formação e memória do bairro, a fim de revelar os processos
que configuraram suas características atuais, com deficiências e potencialidades.
Propõe-se uma alternativa de projeto para esta região por meio do redesenho urbano
pautado na permeabilidade visual e de fluxos, seguidos pela proposição de moradia e
equipamentos de comércio e serviço nestas novas quadras. Os edifícios e as quadras
devem assumir uma postura protagonista na constituição da vida urbana desde de
sua construção, modular e sem resíduos, até sua conformação final, oferecendo
diversidade de usos e geração de energia, reaproveitamento de águas pluviais e
possíveis captadores das águas para livrar a região de inundações. Pretende-se uma
reconfiguração da metrópole de modo com que possa oferecer mais oportunidades
de moradia, emprego, transporte, lazer, onde se tenha mais reconhecimento, por parte
dos cidadãos, dos lugares nos quais habita, atravessa, transita, visita, alimenta-se e
The present research aims to analyze the city of São Paulo and rethink it through the proposal of new urban centralities linked to the green spaces. The spatial clipping was done in the northeast region of the city between the Campo de Marte Airport and the Tietê Ecological Park, among the course of the Tietê river. The aim was to understand this territory through the lenses of geomorphology, history and urban dynamics, while identifying some of the metropolitan problems through a contemporary approach, as well as some theoretical proposals related to it. The possibility of designing these new centralities makes use of the metaphor of the island and archipelago, inspired by the portuguese author José Saramago. It was used to gather a set of landmarks that could deepen the knowledge about areas of the city that are not widely used, aiming to expand the modals of mobility and, likewise, to reduce the lenght of daily commutes. It is understood that São Paulo lacks strategical planning with punctual interventions that connect the city. A possible solution would be to design it as a system and, therefore, densify the city, making it more compact and able to provide more decent living conditions for its citizens. Therefore, the same systematic logic would permeate several scales, also in the neighborhood extent. One of these identified spots – located at the geographic center of the clipping – is a park named Parque do Trote. This research analyzes Parque do Trote’s formation and the memory of the neighborhood, aiming to reveal the processes that configured its current characteristics, along with its deficiencies and potentialities. The proposed design is an alternative project for this region through urban redesign based on visual permeability and flows, then the proposal of housing and service and comercials facilities at these new blocks. The buildings and the blocks must take a leading role in the constitution of urban life since its construction, modular and without waste, until its final conformation, offering diversity of uses and generation of energy, reuse of rainwater and possible collectors of water to preserve the region from floods. The goal is to reconfigure the metropolis so it is able to offer more opportunities for housing, employment, transportation, leisure and to make citizens more familiar with the places in wich they live, walk, visit, eat and have fun.
The present research aims to analyze the city of São Paulo and rethink it through the proposal of new urban centralities linked to the green spaces. The spatial clipping was done in the northeast region of the city between the Campo de Marte Airport and the Tietê Ecological Park, among the course of the Tietê river. The aim was to understand this territory through the lenses of geomorphology, history and urban dynamics, while identifying some of the metropolitan problems through a contemporary approach, as well as some theoretical proposals related to it. The possibility of designing these new centralities makes use of the metaphor of the island and archipelago, inspired by the portuguese author José Saramago. It was used to gather a set of landmarks that could deepen the knowledge about areas of the city that are not widely used, aiming to expand the modals of mobility and, likewise, to reduce the lenght of daily commutes. It is understood that São Paulo lacks strategical planning with punctual interventions that connect the city. A possible solution would be to design it as a system and, therefore, densify the city, making it more compact and able to provide more decent living conditions for its citizens. Therefore, the same systematic logic would permeate several scales, also in the neighborhood extent. One of these identified spots – located at the geographic center of the clipping – is a park named Parque do Trote. This research analyzes Parque do Trote’s formation and the memory of the neighborhood, aiming to reveal the processes that configured its current characteristics, along with its deficiencies and potentialities. The proposed design is an alternative project for this region through urban redesign based on visual permeability and flows, then the proposal of housing and service and comercials facilities at these new blocks. The buildings and the blocks must take a leading role in the constitution of urban life since its construction, modular and without waste, until its final conformation, offering diversity of uses and generation of energy, reuse of rainwater and possible collectors of water to preserve the region from floods. The goal is to reconfigure the metropolis so it is able to offer more opportunities for housing, employment, transportation, leisure and to make citizens more familiar with the places in wich they live, walk, visit, eat and have fun.
urbanismo , centralidade , São Paulo , parque do trote , urbanism , centrality , São Paulo , parque do trote