Silêncio e opressão legislativa: um estudo acerca da judicialização de direitos LGBTQIA+ e o backlash conservador no congresso nacional
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Aguida, Vinícius Prina
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista De
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Diante da ascensão do movimento de backlash e a articulação anti-LGBTQIA+ no Congresso Nacional brasileiro por partidos conservadores da extrema-direita, torna-se necessário entender os riscos aos quais estão submetidos os direitos conquistados pelo movimento no âmbito judicial desde 2010. Perseguido historicamente e marginalizado pelo Poder Legislativo durante a sua história, o movimento LGBTQIA+ se articulou e elegeu o Poder Judiciário como via preferencial para a conquista de direitos, se utilizando dos mecanismos constitucionais disponíveis e de discursos pautados na defesa dos direitos humanos e do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Essas conquistas, contudo, são colocadas em xeque no período atual, levantando questionamentos acerca da segurança jurídica desses direitos juridicamente reconhecidos, mas não positivados, sendo o objetivo principal deste trabalho realizar uma análise deste quadro, identificando os atores desse ativismo congressual anti-LGBTQIA+, as razões desse movimento e os perigos que infligem aos direitos dessa minoria.
Faced with the rise of a backlash movement and the anti-LGBTQIA+ mobilization in the Brazilian National Congress by far-right conservative parties, it becomes necessary to comprehend the risks to which the rights conquered by the movement in the judicial sphere since 2010 are subjected. Historically persecuted and marginalized by the Legislative Branch throughout its history, the LGBTQIA+ movement has articulated itself and chosen the Judiciary as the preferred route for conquering rights, using the available constitutional mechanisms and discourses based on the defense of human rights and the principle of the dignity of the human person. These achievements, however, have been called into question in present times, raising concerns about the legal certainty of these legally recognized but unstated rights. The main goal of this paper is to analyze this situation, identifying the actors of this anti-LGBTQIA+ congressional activism, the reasons for this movement, and the dangers it inflicts on the rights of this minority.
Faced with the rise of a backlash movement and the anti-LGBTQIA+ mobilization in the Brazilian National Congress by far-right conservative parties, it becomes necessary to comprehend the risks to which the rights conquered by the movement in the judicial sphere since 2010 are subjected. Historically persecuted and marginalized by the Legislative Branch throughout its history, the LGBTQIA+ movement has articulated itself and chosen the Judiciary as the preferred route for conquering rights, using the available constitutional mechanisms and discourses based on the defense of human rights and the principle of the dignity of the human person. These achievements, however, have been called into question in present times, raising concerns about the legal certainty of these legally recognized but unstated rights. The main goal of this paper is to analyze this situation, identifying the actors of this anti-LGBTQIA+ congressional activism, the reasons for this movement, and the dangers it inflicts on the rights of this minority.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao prêmio TCC
ativismo congressual , backlash , direitos humanos , movimento LGBTQIA+ , congressional activism , human rights , LGBTQIA+ movement