Huguenotes na França antártica: a primeira tentativa de introdução da fé reformada no Brasil
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Silva, Tiago de Oliveira
Carvalho, Marcone Bezerra
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O presente artigo pretende fazer uma revisão histórica da experiência de tentativa de colonização do Brasil por parte da França, empreendimento que ficou conhecido como França Antártica. Para isso, serão analisados os motivos que levaram o líder da colônia, o vicealmirante da Bretanha e cavaleiro da Ordem de Malta Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon a tomar tal iniciativa, bem como o envolvimento de João Calvino ao recomendar missionários calvinistas para colaborarem com a colônia e poderem expressar livremente a fé reformada livre das intensas perseguições impostas aos mesmos na Europa. Na colônia, deu-se o conflito religioso em torno da primeira celebração da Santa Ceia no Brasil segundo o rito reformado, que culminou com a morte de três huguenotes que haviam sido enviados por Calvino. Eles selaram com sangue a confissão de fé que custou suas vidas, e que fora exigida por Villegagnon, o que contribuiu mais tarde para o fim da colônia diante da ação lusitana, sendo este um episódio importante para entender o fracasso da primeira experiência protestante em terras americanas.
This article intends to make a historical review of the experience of colonization attempted by France in Brazil, an undertaking that became known as Antarctic France. For this purpose, the reasons will be analyzed that led the leader of the colony, the vice-admiral of Brittany and knight of the Order of Malta Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon, to take such initiative, as well as the involvement of John Calvin in recommending Calvinist missionaries to collaborate with the colony and be able to freely express their Reformed faith, free from the persecutions imposed on them in Europe. In the colony, a religious conflict occurred around the first celebration of the Holy Supper in Brazil according to the Reformed rite, which culminated in the death of three Huguenots who had been sent by Calvin. They sealed with their blood the confession of faith that cost their lives, required by Villegagnon, that subsequently contributed to the end of the colony in the face of the Portuguese reaction, this being an important episode for understanding the failure of the first Protestant experience in American lands.
This article intends to make a historical review of the experience of colonization attempted by France in Brazil, an undertaking that became known as Antarctic France. For this purpose, the reasons will be analyzed that led the leader of the colony, the vice-admiral of Brittany and knight of the Order of Malta Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon, to take such initiative, as well as the involvement of John Calvin in recommending Calvinist missionaries to collaborate with the colony and be able to freely express their Reformed faith, free from the persecutions imposed on them in Europe. In the colony, a religious conflict occurred around the first celebration of the Holy Supper in Brazil according to the Reformed rite, which culminated in the death of three Huguenots who had been sent by Calvin. They sealed with their blood the confession of faith that cost their lives, required by Villegagnon, that subsequently contributed to the end of the colony in the face of the Portuguese reaction, this being an important episode for understanding the failure of the first Protestant experience in American lands.
Villegagnon , João Calvino , Huguenotes , França antártica , guanabara , Villegagnon , John Calvin , huguenots , antarctic France , guanabara