Gilka Machado: a primeira mulher nua
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Rkain, Jamyle Hassan
Aguiar, Cristhiano Motta
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Este relatório de realização de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso está vinculado ao
livro biográfico Gilka Machado: a primeira mulher nua. Considerada pioneira da poesia
erótica escrita por mulheres no Brasil, Gilka Machado possui uma história de grande
relevância para a literatura brasileira, tendo enfrentado o ambiente conservador do
início do século XX e aberto as portas para que outras mulheres pudessem escrever
seus desejos com liberdade. Por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas, iconográficas
e documentais, além de entrevistas com estudiosos e familiares, a biografia
intencionou comentar e discutir questões da vida da poeta, colocando-a em evidencia,
com o objetivo de preservar a memória de uma figura tão importante para a História
do Brasil. Utilizando um estilo híbrido entre o jornalismo tradicional e o jornalismo
literário, a narrativa se debruça especialmente sobre questões que foram polemizadas
e mitificadas ao longo da vida da poeta. O produto busca humanizar a figura de Gilka
Machado e quebrar o estigma ao qual ela foi submetida por seus críticos na época em
que ousou quebrar os parâmetros do que era considerado literatura feminina no país.
This final paper report is linked to the biographical book Gilka Machado: the first naked woman. Considered a pioneer of erotic poetry written by women in Brazil, Gilka Machado has a history of great relevance for Brazilian literature, since she faced the conservative environment of the early twentieth century and opened the door for other women to write their wishes freely. Through bibliographical, iconographic and documentary research, in addition to interviews with scholars and family members, the biography intend to comment and discuss issues of the poet's life, highlighting it in order to preserve the memory of a figure of high importance to the History of Brazil. Using a hybrid style between traditional journalism and literary journalism, the narrative focuses especially on issues that have been polemicized and mythologized throughout her poet. The product seeks to humanize the figure of Gilka Machado and to break the stigma to which she was submitted by her critics at the time when she dared to break the parameters of what was considered feminine literature in the country.
This final paper report is linked to the biographical book Gilka Machado: the first naked woman. Considered a pioneer of erotic poetry written by women in Brazil, Gilka Machado has a history of great relevance for Brazilian literature, since she faced the conservative environment of the early twentieth century and opened the door for other women to write their wishes freely. Through bibliographical, iconographic and documentary research, in addition to interviews with scholars and family members, the biography intend to comment and discuss issues of the poet's life, highlighting it in order to preserve the memory of a figure of high importance to the History of Brazil. Using a hybrid style between traditional journalism and literary journalism, the narrative focuses especially on issues that have been polemicized and mythologized throughout her poet. The product seeks to humanize the figure of Gilka Machado and to break the stigma to which she was submitted by her critics at the time when she dared to break the parameters of what was considered feminine literature in the country.
Gilka Machado , literatura , poesia , mulheres , Gilka Machado , literature , poetry , women