O crime de estrupo e a investigação criminal no Brasil
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Camargo, Marília Rosa da Silva
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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O crime de estupro está cada vez mais presente no cotidiano. Um crime que, nos primórdios,
era taxado apenas como sendo violência sexual contra mulheres, hoje, graças a expansão
cultural, ideológica e legislativa, o estupro engloba muito mais do que isto, sendo que, uma de
suas principais mudanças relaciona-se a exclusão da determinação de gênero de seu sujeito
passivo. Este trabalho foi produzido a partir de pesquisas bibliográficas, pesquisa em sites e,
principalmente, com base no amplo material disposto pela Organização Não-Governamental
“End Violence Against Women Internacional (EVAWI). Por fim, o presente trabalhou busca
elencar todas estas alterações e, ao final, propor uma nova forma de condução da investigação
criminal para os crimes de Estupro e crimes contra a liberdade sexual, no geral.
Rape is increasingly present every day. A crime that was called only sexual abuse against women at the past, today it is much more than that, because of the cultural, the ideological and legislative expansion. One of the main changes was related to exclusion of the gender definition about the victim profile. This work has been produced from bibliographic research, websites research and mainly based on the extensive material provided by the Non-governmental Organization End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI). Finally, the present work seeks to list all these changes and in the end propose a new way of conducting a criminal investigation of rape and another crimes with the same meaning.
Rape is increasingly present every day. A crime that was called only sexual abuse against women at the past, today it is much more than that, because of the cultural, the ideological and legislative expansion. One of the main changes was related to exclusion of the gender definition about the victim profile. This work has been produced from bibliographic research, websites research and mainly based on the extensive material provided by the Non-governmental Organization End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI). Finally, the present work seeks to list all these changes and in the end propose a new way of conducting a criminal investigation of rape and another crimes with the same meaning.
estupro , investigação criminal , cultura do estupro , estereótipo de estupro , rape , criminal investigation , rape vulture , rape stereotype