Tráfico para fins de exploração sexual de crianças no Brasil sob uma perspectiva interseccional
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Batista, Bruna Maria de Moraes
Junqueira, Michelle Asato
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Trata-se de artigo que desenvolve a temática do tráfico para fins de exploração sexual
de crianças no Brasil, visto que estas representam significante parcela dentro do grande espectro
de vítimas desse crime. Para isso, a pesquisa realizada irá analisar as normas legais de proteção
e combate ao tráfico crianças, a nível nacional e internacional, e sobretudo, explanar sobre o
panorama acerca das crianças traficadas para fins de exploração sexual no Brasil, mediante a
análise dos principais fatores que contribuem para o crescimento desse cenário, tais como, raça,
classe social, gênero e idade, sob um olhar direcionado para a vítima. Para isso, alguns dados
quantitativos serão analisados com o intuito de estimular reflexões que possam contribuir para
a elucidação do fenômeno estudado. Para tal propósito, no que concerne à metodologia, optouse
por realizar uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica através dos métodos dedutivo e
This is an article that develops the theme of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation of children in Brazil, since they represent a significant portion of the large spectrum of victims of this crime. To this end, the research will analyze the legal norms that protect and combat children both nationally and internationally, and above all, explain the panorama of children trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Brazil by analyzing the main factors that contribute to the growth of this scenario, such as race, social class, gender, and age, with a focus on the victim. To this end, some quantitative data will be analyzed in order to stimulate reflections that can contribute to the elucidation of the phenomenon studied. For this purpose, as far as methodology is concerned, we chose to carry out an exploratory and bibliographical research through the deductive and explanatory methods.
This is an article that develops the theme of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation of children in Brazil, since they represent a significant portion of the large spectrum of victims of this crime. To this end, the research will analyze the legal norms that protect and combat children both nationally and internationally, and above all, explain the panorama of children trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Brazil by analyzing the main factors that contribute to the growth of this scenario, such as race, social class, gender, and age, with a focus on the victim. To this end, some quantitative data will be analyzed in order to stimulate reflections that can contribute to the elucidation of the phenomenon studied. For this purpose, as far as methodology is concerned, we chose to carry out an exploratory and bibliographical research through the deductive and explanatory methods.
Indicado para publicação
tráfico para fins de exploração sexual de crianças no Brasil , exploração sexual infantil , direitos humanos , trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation of children in Brazil , child sexual exploitation , human rights