Sharenting: um estudo sobre a responsabilidade civil das plataformas digitais e responsáveis legais pela superexposição infantil em redes sociais.
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Lazaretti, Luiza Caron
Alvim, Márcia Cristina De Souza
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Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a possibilidade de responsabilização civil de plataformas digitais e responsáveis legais pela superexposição infantil, principalmente com fins comerciais em redes sociais. Para isso, serão utilizados dispositivos legais do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, em destaque o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Lei nº 8.069/1990) e o Marco Civil da Internet (Lei nº 12.965/2014), através de um método descritivo, bibliográfico e comparativo. Com o propósito de abordar de forma abrangente o fenômeno da superexposição de crianças e adolescentes por meio do compartilhamento excessivo de informações, é necessário examinar criticamente os dispositivos legais existentes, compreender a importância da responsabilização dos envolvidos e o limite do poder parental, sempre tendo como prioridade o bem-estar dos indivíduos expostos, além de oferecer formas específicas de auxílio para combater a violação de direitos e garantir a proteção dos mesmos. O trabalho busca, assim, contribuir para a reflexão sobre os impactos dessa exposição precoce e excessiva na vida das crianças e adolescentes, bem como para a defesa de seus direitos.
This study has the objective of analyzing the potential legal accountability of digital platforms and legal guardians for child overexposure, particularly for commercial purposes on social media. To achieve this, legal provisions within the Brazilian legal framework will be employed, with a particular focus on the Child and Adolescent Statute (Law No. 8,069/1990) and the Internet Civil Rights Framework (Law No. 12,965/2014), utilizing a descriptive, bibliographic, and comparative methodology. In order to comprehensively address the phenomenon of children and adolescents being excessively exposed through the over-sharing of information, it is imperative to critically examine existing legal provisions, comprehend the significance of holding all involved parties accountable, and delineate the boundaries of parental authority, always with a primary emphasis on the well-being of the exposed individuals. Furthermore, specific means of assistance will be provided to combat rights violations and ensure their protection. Hence, this endeavor seeks to make a meaningful contribution to the contemplation of the repercussions of this premature and excessive exposure in the lives of children and adolescents, as well as to advocate for the safeguarding of their rights.
This study has the objective of analyzing the potential legal accountability of digital platforms and legal guardians for child overexposure, particularly for commercial purposes on social media. To achieve this, legal provisions within the Brazilian legal framework will be employed, with a particular focus on the Child and Adolescent Statute (Law No. 8,069/1990) and the Internet Civil Rights Framework (Law No. 12,965/2014), utilizing a descriptive, bibliographic, and comparative methodology. In order to comprehensively address the phenomenon of children and adolescents being excessively exposed through the over-sharing of information, it is imperative to critically examine existing legal provisions, comprehend the significance of holding all involved parties accountable, and delineate the boundaries of parental authority, always with a primary emphasis on the well-being of the exposed individuals. Furthermore, specific means of assistance will be provided to combat rights violations and ensure their protection. Hence, this endeavor seeks to make a meaningful contribution to the contemplation of the repercussions of this premature and excessive exposure in the lives of children and adolescents, as well as to advocate for the safeguarding of their rights.
superexposição , plataformas digitais , responsáveis legais , responsabilidade civil , sharenting , overexposure , digital platforms , legal responsible , civil responsability